• In an effort to control SPAM, our district no longer provides direct links to staff e-mail accounts.
    To e-mail employees, please use firstname.lastname@frsd.us

    Welcome to Ms. Culcasi's Homepage

     Image result for apple picture
    Name: Lindsey Culcasi
    Email ID: lindsey.culcasi 


    Welcome to 5th Grade!

    Thank you for visiting my page. Please use the links on the left side of this page or hyperlinked below to learn more about who I am and about our 5th grade classes.  I will be updating and adding to these throughout the year, so if something doesn't work at the moment, please check back later.  Some links may require you to log in.  You can do this by using your username@frsd.us email account. I can't wait to meet you all!  Happy learning!
    Our Class
    Meet Ms. Culcasi
    English Language Arts (ELA)
    Daily Schedule
    Using Google accounts
    How do I access my email?
    I'm ready to join my Google Classrooms
    Homework links
    Signing up for the Remind App
    What are my homework responsibilities?
    Where can I find the homework assignments?
    Problem solving