• Paper sculpture is fun and easy, and offers endless opportunities for amazing pieces!

    You can post this to Artsonia under the 'Paper Art' project. 

     Check out these great ideas... 

    A colorful box of techniques:

    Modifications for home:

    • If you don't have construction paper, think about using wrapping paper, newspaper, paper bags or any other kind of paper you may have around the house. You could also draw different lines, shapes and patterns on white paper. 

    A colorful box of samples



    A loop tower:

    Fold paper into different sized loops and tape them together using (preferably) clear tape

    Loop tower


    A maze:

    This one could be tricky. Can you make forms out of paper then glue them onto a surface? Steady hands and patience are the key!

    A maze



    Colorful mountains:

    • The same shape is cut out of many different pieces of paper, but each time the shape gets smaller and smaller
    • Glue them one on top of the other
    • Experiment with different colors and textures of paper




    A "shag rug"

    • Cut strips of paper to the same size
    • Holding a paper towel roll horizontally, start by taping the ends of your first row of paper to the roll so they drape over the top
    • Tape successive rows of paper to the first row, but stagger them so they don't line up perfectly
    • Continue this process until your piece is as large as you want
    • Thread a piece of yarn through the paper towel roll and tie a knot at the top
    • Hang on a wall from a hook or push pin

    Shag rug