- Flemington-Raritan Regional School District
- Science
- Parent and Teacher Resources
- Science Grades K-5
K-5 Science
Program Description Grades K-5
The K-5 Science program provides 40-45 minutes of instruction per day for 90 days. The other 90 days is focused on the Social Studies program. Teachers have the ability to alternate by the day, week, quarter, or any other configuration as long as the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and the FRSD Science Curriculum is addressed fully.
The curriculum is contained in Atlas Rubicon. Each unit of study concludes with a required, district-developed benchmark assessment.
- New Jersey Department of Education’s Model Science Curriculum: http://www.nj.gov/education/modelcurriculum/sci/
- National Science Teachers Association’s Position Statement on The Next Generation Science Standards: http://www.nsta.org/about/positions/ngss.aspx
Last Modified on February 22, 2018