- J.P. Case Middle School
- Welcome!
Let's Get Cooking!
Email ID: sarah.licataWelcome to Foods Class.
We will prepare foods from each category of MyPlate, but YOU get to choose which recipes to use! Food allergies and dietary restrictions will be taken into consideration.Your grade will depend on your Class Behavior (20%), Class Participation (20%), Quizzes (20%), Cooking Days (20%), Final Assessment (10%), and an Advertising Project (10%) that you'll learn more about in the trimester. Your grade on a cooking day will NEVER be based on how your recipe turned out in the end!
By the end of the trimester you will have prepared recipes, learned about Food Safety and Personal Hygiene in the Kitchen, practiced changing a recipe and using measuring equivalents and explored careers in the Food Industry. You should come away with a better understanding of the importance of eating a variety of foods to maintain and improve your overall health.
Please click here to view the MyPlate website.
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