- Copper Hill School
- Parent Resources
Thank you for visiting this page! I have included some resources that will help you learn more about speech and language development, as well as some links to blogs that are very parent-friendly. Please take some time to explore the provided links and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments!
Speech/Language Terminology - Over the course of the year, especially during meetings, you might hear some unfamiliar terms come up! It's important that you understand everything a professional is saying to you regarding your child, so I've included a handout containing some of the terms I might use in our conversations. Of course I will be sure to explain everything in person, but feel free to use this sheet as a reference!
Speech Sound Norms - If your child is having difficulty saying certain sounds, this chart will help you see if their error is developmentally appropriate or not. I use this chart as a general guide to help determine if speech therapy is necessary and to select treatment targets. This chart is included in a blog post by Mommy Speech Therapy where she describes speech sound norms in depth. You can view that post here.
Language Developmental Milestones - This is an extremely useful and free resource created by Linguisystems! It details the communication milestones across every domain of language for children birth-5+. This guide is quite long and might be overwhelming, so I've highlighted the pages that I feel provide the most useful information.
Phonological Processes - As defined in the Speech/Language Terminology sheet above, phonology is the internal classification system for sounds. Often times, typically developing children use patterns of sound errors to simplify speech as they learn to talk. These patterns are known as phonological processes. For example, a child might replace their /l/ sound with a /w/ sound (e.g., bwue instead of blue). This is a typical phonological process is called gliding. Please click the link to view a handout created by Super Duper Publications! This handout explains the types of typical phonological processes that may occur!
Build Language with Books - Reading is one of the best things you can do with your child! You can target so many language areas by reading a simple picture book. This handout will provide you with some strategies for getting the most out of reading aloud with your child!
"What Screen Time Can Really Do to Kids' Brains" - Here is a link to an article published in Psychology Today about the dangers of too much screen time! I think it is a great reminder to try and reduce the amount of time kids spend with tablets and television. It is also important for adults to spend less time in front of a screen when their children are watching!
Here is another link to a blog post about screen time and speech delays -- "Can Screen Time Cause Speech Delays?"
Useful Websites
- American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
- NJ Speech-Language Hearing Association
- Autism - The linked website has a ton of informative articles about Autism! You can also check out Autism Speaks.