Flemington-Raritan Wellness CommitteeLinking Health and LearningClick to view our district Wellness Policy.The Flemington-Raritan Regional School District's Wellness Committee developed a district-wide Wellness Policy which was implemented in September 2006 and was revised in June 2013. This committee, made up of staff, administrators, and members from the community, supported our district in taking a leadership role in promoting healthy behaviors through providing students, staff, and the school community with the knowledge and skills they need to be healthy and productive.There is a direct link between nutrition intake and regular physical activity leading to better academic achievement and positive self esteem. It is the Committee's goal to promote the consumption of nutritious foods in school, provide opportunities for students to engage in physical activities, and to provide health and wellness education that promotes good nutrition, physical activity, and other wellness activities at school.Wellness Teams
Our district has both individual school building-based and District-level Wellness Committees comprised of Board of Education, Administrative, Teacher, School Nurse, Parent, Student, and Community Members.These teams meet to discuss District Wellness Goals and Initiatives.To view minutes of our District Level Wellness Committee Meetings click on the links below:To see the results of our 2013 School Lunch Menu Parent Survey, Click here In November 2005 and again in November 2013, our District assessed our health and safety policies and practices by using the CDC School Health Index. We identified areas in need of improvement, and started developing plans for improvement.Click here to view our results .To learn more about the CDC School Health Index, visit http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/SHI/index.htmAs a parent, you can also help your child develop healthy habits by using these suggestions from the American Heart Association. Post them on your refrigerator or bulletin board as a reminder. Click here
When is it too hot or cold to go outside for recess? Our District uses these guidelines for the health and safety of our students. Click here