• What is 'Word-A-Day'?

    Word-A-Day is modeled after 'Inktober', a stimulating drawing challenge invented by comic book author and illustrator, Jake Parkerwho wanted a way to commit to the practice of drawing and improving his skills, because, as we all know, practice makes progress! 

    How does it work?

    • Your challenge is to create a black and white drawing in either pencil or black marker, based on a word prompt
    • This challenge is open to all grade levels
    • You can draw as many or as few as you want
    • Drawings should be no larger than 5 ½” x 8 1/2”, but can be smaller. The point is to keep them small so you are able to finish one a day.
    • If you post your finished piece to Artsonia, be sure to post to the 'Word-A-Day' gallery and include the word you are illustrating
    • If you hand in your work, make sure you put your name, grade and class on the back

    Here are your Word-A-Day word prompts:


    1 Fast

    2 Noisy

    3 Sad

    4 Hungry

    5 Silly

    6 Jump

    7 Cold

    8 Windy

    9 Bored

    10 Mad

    11 Hot

    12 Tears

    13 Fluffy

    14 Slippery

    15 Fall

    16 Wet

    17 Juicy

    18 Rain

    19 Cloud

    20 Huge

    21 Yummy

    22 Dude

    23 Surprised

    24 Hard

    25 Yucky

    26 Chill

    27 Worried

    28 Poof!

    29 Tiny

    30 Adorable

    31 Scared