•   parents


    Thank you for taking the time to visit this page on my website. I have included some resources that will help you learn more about speech and language therapy services and development. Please feel free to explore the links as needed. Additionally, there are some helpful websites listed at the bottom of the page for your convenience. Please contact me with any questions and/or concerns.


    Speech/Language Terminology  - Quick explanation of some terms that may be used regarding your child's speech and language services.


    Speech Sound Norms - This chart helps me determine whether speech therapy is necessary and what sounds should be targeted first. 


    Language Development - This chart identifies the typical language development for children ages 5 years of age and older. It is helpful in determining treatement planning and strategies when working with your children.


    Language Expansion and Extension at Home - This handout is extremely helpful in explaining the different between expanding language and extending language. It offers ideas to use both strategies at home to continue to build language skills for your child.


    Helpful Websites:

    American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

    New Jersey Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NJSHA)

    Autism Speaks

    The Stuttering Foundation