Introduction to the PTO


    JP Case Parent Teacher Organization

    The JP Case Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a non-profit organization run by parent volunteers. 

    Our goal is to enhance the educational and social opportunities available to every student in JP Case.  We do this by working closely with teachers and school staff to organize and fund important events, grants, and other programs for both students and teachers.

     Some of the programs we organize, or sponsor include:

    • 7th Grade and 8th Grade Activity Nights
    • 8th Grade Awards and Promotion Ceremony
    • 8th Grade Celebration
    • Teacher/Staff Appreciation Events
    • Book Fair
    • Staff Grants
    • ….and lots more!

    The only way these great events happen is with your help.  And, contributing is easy. 

    If you can share your time with us we have opportunities as small as helping for a couple of hours at an event to as big as taking a leadership role on our PTO. 

    As a non-profit we also very much need financial support.  Every dollar helps.  Please click on one of the links to the left to learn more about how to volunteer or donate.

    If you have any questions or would like more information, please just click the “Contact the PTO” link to email us.

    Thank you!

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Last Modified on September 10, 2024