• In an effort to control SPAM, our district no longer provides direct links to staff e-mail accounts.
    To e-mail employees, please use firstname.lastname@frsd.us

    Welcome to the Health Office


    Veronica Cioni
    E-mail ID: veronica.cioni
    Leigh Ann Koch RN, BSN, CSN
    E-mail ID: leigh.koch 
    Hello Husky families! The health office and building are closed for the summer. Check the school webpage for updates. Forms and immunizations can be mailed to me, preferable, or emailed. No photos please.  Check to make sure forms are complete. I will post info about medication drop off when we have more instructions. We recommend maintaining your child's well visits! Contact the main office for any urgent concerns. I will be checking email in late August. If you'd like to meet with me then please reach out and we can make arrangements. It may have to be virtually.  Have a great summer! 
    Please visit our district's Health Office Web Page for news, notices, forms, and tips from the school nurse.