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    FRSD GOALS: July 2021 – June 2022


    District Goals:

    • Continue to collectively educate our children optimally during these changing and challenging times as a result of the COVID Pandemic, including maintaining our students in school to maximize in-person learning.  We should develop, deliver, and enhance curriculum plans to address student learning regression; and continue to provide social/emotional support for students and staff.
    • Recommend, provide and participate in professional development to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in district performance. 
    • Continue to work toward reducing and eliminating inequities within our educational system, including professional development; meeting with the equity advisory committee and supporting the Three-Year Comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and Opportunity Action Plan.
    • Develop and publish a renewed Flemington-Raritan School District Strategic Plan.
    • Support mental health services for stakeholders throughout the school community.

    Superintendent Goals:

    • Collaborate with the Board and school community to develop and publish a renewed Flemington-Raritan School District Strategic Plan.
    • By June 2022 as a result of targeted instruction and research-based interventions, our K-8 students will meet or exceed their individually-calculated NWEA MAP Growth projected RIT goal at a rate of 5% higher than the national average in reading and mathematics.
    • Achieve between 90-100% of the 2021-2022 activities listed in the Three-Year Comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and Opportunity Action Plan by the end of the school year to support access and opportunity for all students.


    Board Goals:

    • Support administration and staff as they navigate the changing educational environment as a result of the COVID Pandemic.
    • Develop and publish, in collaboration with superintendent and school community, a renewed Flemington-Raritan School District Strategic Plan. 
    • Continue to build on collective knowledge and understanding of equity and diversity in the education environment through professional development, policy, budget and curriculum formulation and strategic planning.
    • Actively include and invite students, teachers and administrators to board of education meetings to showcase learning, talent, challenges and work from across the school district. The board meeting is an opportunity for engaging discovery and understanding of what is happening in the school community.
Last Modified on September 20, 2022