• supplies  

    Dear Parent(s),

    I hope that your family is enjoying the summer break and that your child will come back to school refreshed and ready for an exciting 2nd grade year!  If possible, I kindly ask that your child brings the following supplies with them on the first day of school.  Thank you greatly for your cooperation!  


    •  2 wide-ruled marble notebooks

    •  2 package (4 count) glue sticks (no “drippy” glue)

    •  2 package (4 count) thin, black, fine point Expo brand dry erase markers

    •  1 box of 24-48 crayons (larger crayon boxes do not fit in the desks)

    •  1 large box of tissues

    • 1 package of thin washable colored markers

    • 1 package of pencil cap erasers

    • 1 fabric pencil pouch.  Please do not send a hard-sided pencil box.  Desk space is limited. 

    • 1 headphone set in a gallon-sized zipper seal bag clearly labeled with your child’s name.  Please be sure the fit is comfortable for your child.

    • Optional:  wireless mouse