• goals spelled with scrabble letters
    July 2022 – June 2023 Goals

    Board Goals

    • Goal 1: Strategic Plan - Develop and publish, in collaboration with the Superintendent and school community, a renewed Flemington-Raritan School District Strategic Plan.
    • Goal 2: Student Learning Gaps/Loss and Mental Health - Continue to support policies and practices, and provide appropriate resources, to promote early identification, prevention and intervention concerning student learning gaps/loss and mental health conditions.
    • Goal 3: Improve communication within the Board and with the public - Take actions to improve communication within our Board and with our community by clarifying Board processes, coordinating Board professional development, and improving Board meeting communication to provide our community with a summary of committee work.
    • Goal 4: Financial responsibility - Provide professional development on budgeting and finances of school budgets so that Board members can effectively provide oversight of the district budget.

    District Goals

    • Goal 1: Maximize resources available for instruction to achieve academic excellence for all students to recover students’ learning loss in language arts and mathematics. 
    • Goal 2: Provide personnel, programs, facilities, and the time to meet the diverse needs of all students so that they may acquire the knowledge and confidence necessary to achieve their dreams. 
    • Goal 3: Support efforts to educate the whole child by investing in student mental health supports and expanding social-emotional learning. 
    • Goal 4: Engage the community, including parents, families, teachers, students, etc.,  towards common goals and objectives developed for the five-year strategic plan to benefit the Flemington Raritan Regional School District. 
    • Goal 5: Support the District’s teacher recruitment and retention efforts by focusing on bringing and retaining highly qualified teachers to Flemington-Raritan Regional School District.

    Superintendent Goals

    • Goal 1: Develop an action plan, including a budget with steps to recover student learning loss in mathematics and language arts. 
    • Goal 2: Analyze growth that continues in specific populations, including preschool students, English as a Second Language Learners (ELLs), and special education students.
    • Goal 3: Develop a continuation of a multi-tiered system of support within the district to address the mental health needs of all students. 
    • Goal 4: Develop and publish a renewed Flemington-Raritan Regional School District Strategic Plan in collaboration with the Board of Education and the school community that focuses on the vision and mission of the Flemington-Raritan Regional School District. 
    • Goal 5: Provide a wide range of activities to recruit and retain educators in the Flemington-Raritan Regional School District. 
Last Modified on August 29, 2023