- Flemington-Raritan Regional School District
- Registration
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Preschool Registration
Registration for students selected from the lottery for the 2025-2026 school year will begin after March 14, 2025, when notification of lottery selection and placement has been sent.
Registration Requirements
If your child is offered a spot in the preschool, the forms listed below (linked from this page) must be submitted at the time of registration. Forms can be printed, completed, and brought to the appropriate location to register. Demographic data for the student should also be entered into Genesis online via the link below (see the last bullet). Details regarding registration will be included in the notification to families who are selected for the program:
- ORIGINAL Birth Certificate (we will make a copy in our office)
- Registration Form (English)
- Registration From (Spanish)
- Proof of Residency Documentation
- Home Language Survey
- Residency Questionnaire/Information Sheet
- Transportation Request Form
- Transportation Waiver
- Free/Reduced Lunch Application
- ESI-3 Early Screening Inventory - Parent Questionnaire / Cuestionario para Padres Del Inventorio Infantil Temprano ESI-3.
Health Office Requirements:
- NJDOE Immunization Requirements: NJ law requires all Preschool students to receive the flu vaccine between September 1st and December 31st of their preschool school year.
- Immunization Record - Must be documented by a physician. Immunizations must include a flu vaccination each year before December 31st.
- Student Health History - Parent/Guardian must complete.
- Student Physical Examination Form - Must be completed & signed by your physician. Families have 30 days from the date of enrollment to complete the physical exam.
- Submit documentation of medical history that may impact your child during the school day, i.e. allergies, asthma, and other health concerns. Asthma and/or Allergy forms (linked here), if applicable to your child. Submit to Ms. Jinky Yuzon at the time of enrollment.
The flu form must be completed for all children six months through 59 months. All preschool students under 5 years old must have an annual dose of the seasonal influenza (flu) vaccine between September 1st and December 31st of each school year. It is highly recommended you contact your doctor as soon as possible due to possible limited availability of the vaccine. State Law N.J.A.C. 8:57-4: indicates that any preschool student that does not have a flu vaccine will not be able to return in January. If your child is currently 5 years old or turning 5 years old PRIOR to December 31st it is STRONGLY recommended they receive the vaccine.
If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact the Hunterdon County Childhood Vaccine Program at 908-806-4570 or go to: https://www.co.hunterdon.nj.us/371/Childhood-Vaccine-Program
Preschool Immunization Requirements:
DTap 4 Doses
Polio 3 Doses
HIB at Least 1 Dose Given on or After 1st Birthday
Pneumococcal at Least 1 Dose Given on or After 1st Birthday
MMR 1 Dose
Varicella 1 Dose
Influenza 1 Dose Each Year Given Before December 31st
Asthma and/or Allergy forms (linked here), if applicable to your child. Submit to Ms.Jinky Yuzon at the time of enrollment.
Any questions regarding medical forms or health related questions should be directed to the district’s preschool nurse, Jinky Yuzon jinky.yuzon@frsd.us
Preschool Health Screenings
Preschool children in the Flemington Raritan School District preschool program will be screened during the first six to eight weeks of the school year by our preschool nurse in height, weight, vision and dental. Parents will receive notification if their child should follow up with their pediatrician.