• Katherinne Javier-Mannino

    Katherinne Mannino

    Administrative Assistant for Preschool

    And District Homeless Liaison 

    E-mail ID: katherine.javier 

    Katherinne Javier-Mannino is the Administrative Assistant for Preschool and District Homeless Liaison for the Flemington-Raritan School District. Katherinne has experience as a Social Worker in Staten Island, and as a Special-Education Teacher in Jersey City and the Ewing area before moving to Flemington. She received her Bachelor’s in Social Work and Spanish from Kean University and completed her Master’s in Early Childhood Education-Special Education from New Jersey City University. Katherinne was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, and attended her early school years and high school in New York City, and is fluent in Spanish. She is now a resident of Flemington since 2019, and is excited to continue to foster a strong relationship between the Flemington-Raritan School District and community members.