Kindergarten Supplies- Miss Salvato’s Class
1 Backpack
1 Plastic Pencil Box (sterlite measuring 8 ⅝ x 5 ¾ x2 ½ )
3 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
1 Crayola Classic Color 8 pack colors
2 Plastic 2-pocket folders
1 Pair of blunt tipped child sized scissors
12 Large Elmer’s glue sticks
1 Box of tissues
1 Package of baby wipes
1 Box of Ziploc Snack Size Baggies OR Brown Paper Lunch Bags
1 Pair of plug-in headphones (NOT earbuds or Bluetooth)
1 Reusable Water Bottle
⭐⭐Please bring supplies in a plastic bag labeled with your child’s name to our Kindergarten Orientation on Monday, August 26th. ⭐Backpacks and water bottles should not be sent to orientation but brought on the first day of school!
Thank you and I look forward to meeting you and your child!
~Miss Salvato