• Lottery Notifications

    • The Preschool Lottery Entry Form is open and will close on February 21, 2025, and a notification of student placement will be sent on March 14, 2025. If your child has been selected through the lottery process, you will receive a letter via postal mail and an email confirmation. Families that are placed on the waitlist will receive an email notification of being placed on the waitlist.


      If your child is currently on the 2024-2025 preschool waitlist and will still be eligible for the preschool program for the 2025-2026 school year, families will need to resubmit their child into the lottery.

    The preschool lottery notification has been sent via email and postal mail to families whose child has been offered a seat for the SY 24/25. Families of children on the wait list were notified via email as well. *Kindly check your spam folder if you have not received an email notification.