• Teaching Strategies GOLD Assessment

    Preschool classrooms utilize the GOLD Teaching Strategies, Objectives for Development & Learning, to monitor and document the growth and development of preschool students throughout the school year.  The Gold Objectives for Development and Learning focus on developmental areas inclusive of: Social-Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, Mathematics, and English Language Acquisition.


    The GOLD Objectives for Development and Learning are aligned with the New Jersey Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards and the Tools of the Mind Curriculum. By observing and documenting individual student development and learning, teachers can support, guide, and modify instruction. The rating scale indicates a child's strengths, needs, and interests based on developmental milestones, and can be a useful tool in identifying students who may benefit from additional support.


    Since family involvement is the key to learning success, the GOLD Family App offers families two-way communication between home and school. Families can connect with teachers by seeing photographs of their child in the classroom and send or receive individual messages.  Allowing families to see inside the preschool classroom strengthens the relationship between school and home to further benefit the Flemington-Raritan preschool community.