• The School Day

    Students are to arrive no earlier than 8:40am and will not be allowed into the school until 8:45am. Parents may not enter the school building with students or escort them to their class. If a child has too much to carry, parents may bring the items to the School Office.

    Please remember that the school day begins promptly at 8:55am, and both teachers and students are busy with the morning routine.

    All students arriving later than 8:55am must be “signed-in” at the Office by an adult. The student will then receive a pass that will allow him/her to go to the classroom. If you know in advance that a student will be late for any reason, please call the attendance line 284-7551, option 1 or send a note and let us know. The school day normally ends at 3:35pm and on early dismissal days students are dismissed at 1:20pm.

Last Modified on July 30, 2020