



    If you want to join these committees, please contact the PTO at fadpto@gmail.com


    You can volunteer for as many committees as you are interested in.

    Sign up now so we can put you on a contact list.

    We need your help!


    When we work together, great things happen to our kids.


     Assemblies/Curriculum Enrichment

    Mark Masessa - Principal

    This committee organizes 4-5 cultural performances per year. Past performances have included Science Circus, Indian Dancers, Hunterdon Symphony members, The Big Bug Show, and McCarter Theatre. The assemblies are scheduled during school hours and provide a wide variety of entertainment and enrichment experiences. 



    School Librarian & PTO Board

    In coordination with the school librarian, this committee invites authors to give talks to the students and sign autographs. Titles by each author are selected for purchase, pre-paid orders are collected and placed, and presentations to each class are scheduled with input from the authors and teachers.


    Dolphins Social Event

    This committee will plan our Dolphins Social event scheduled in September.  This fun event kicks off the school year!


    Board of Education Representative

    Board of Education meetings are scheduled on the second and third Mondays of each month. The PTO representative attends these meetings and reports to the general membership any developments pertaining to our school and the education of our children.


    Book Fair - Fall and Spring

    Book Fairs are generally held in the Fall and the Spring.  Teachers take their students to preview books and this committee schedules the many volunteers who are needed to help the children with appropriate selections and book purchases.


    After School Clubs

    Work with the teachers to coordinate after-school programs for students.  You do not need to attend the activities, but coordinate flyers and payments.  Past programs include Chess Club, Fitness Club, No Baking Bake Club, Unicorn Club, and Floor Hockey.



    The Desmares Family Carnival is an evening of fun, food, games, prizes, and special events. All family members are invited. The committee is responsible for organizing and scheduling volunteers.  Many volunteers are needed to help with the events.


    Clothing Drives - Fall and Spring

    This easy fundraiser is held in the Fall and Spring on a Saturday.  Volunteers promote the event with flyers and ads in local papers and coordinate dates with the recycling company (which picks up all donated clothing). Volunteers are also needed on the event day.


    Field Day

    P.E. Department & PTO Board

    Field Day is a fun day of activities and games planned by the school's PE staff.  The committee is responsible for scheduling volunteers, purchasing refreshments, and helping on the event day.


    Fourth Grade Celebration Day

    Fourth Grade HR Parents & PTO Board

    In celebration of the elementary school experience, fourth graders have a special end-of-the-year picnic. Committee members work with the fourth-grade teachers and many volunteers to coordinate this special day.


    Fourth Grade Spaghetti Dinner

    Fourth Grade HR Parents & PTO Board

    Each year the 4thgrade hosts a spaghetti dinner in the spring. This committee works with Maschino's Food Service and coordinates the 4th-grade volunteers, family reservations, and various donated baked items.


    Fourth Grade Talent Show

    Fourth Grade HR Parents & PTO Board

    This will be the fourth year the Talent show runs for fourth graders only.  Committee members will need to help the children prepare for the big event, coordinate the acts, and collect permission slips. 



    Each year the PTO donates items needed by the school, but not included in the school budget. Recent grants include M-Edge Super Shells for IPads, Lego Education Equipment, and Orff Ensemble instruments.


    Helping Hands - United Way Gift Drive

    This committee works with the school nurse and United Way to provide assistance to eligible Desmares families with a Holiday Gift Drive in December.


    Holiday Shop

    Holiday Bazaar occurs in early December and provides students with small low-cost items they can purchase as gifts for the holiday. This committee is responsible for setting up and taking down merchandise, organizing volunteers, running the bazaar, performing an end-of-sales inventory, and packaging remaining items at the end of the sale week.


    Homeroom Parents

    Volunteers assist classroom teachers with parties and special projects.  The individual teacher determines the exact duties of each Homeroom Parent. 


    Library Aides

    School Librarian & PTO Board

    The committee schedules volunteers to check in and check out books, shelve books, and assist the children during library class. It is a great place to work and provides an opportunity to get to know students, teachers, and the school.



    The function of this committee is to encourage membership in the PTO, collect dues, and maintain membership records.  Membership is also responsible for welcoming new families throughout the year.


    "No-Cost" Fundraising - Box Tops & Amazon Smile & Dine Around

    Desmares families are encouraged to scan box tops & sign up for Amazon Smile.

    This committee coordinates the program by getting the word out to families and handling the final paperwork. This helps raise money for our school!

    Dine Arounds are an easy way to raise money for our school. This committee works with various local restaurants to host a night where Desmares families can eat in/take out and 10-15% of the proceeds go directly to our school. Flyers are developed and sent home with students highlighting the restaurant selection for the month.

    This committee encourages Desmares families to sign up for the Stop n Shop A+ rewards program each year which run from September to March.


    PICTO Night & Basket Raffle

    PICTO Night is a fun family night of picture bingo.  The night includes dinner, snacks, and a basket raffle.


    Stephen A. Maszczak Scholarship Fund

    Collect, select and distribute two scholarships to High School Students who attended Desmares.


    School Pictures

    The PTO selects a photographer to take the annual school pictures in the fall months. Flyers and return envelopes are sent out about one week before the photo sessions. The committee schedules volunteer to help on picture days.


    School Sign

    This person is responsible for keeping the school sign up-to-date.


    School Store

    The school store provides a convenient and educational way for students to purchase school supplies. This committee is responsible for purchasing, organizing volunteers, and running the store.



    This committee coordinates the ordering and sale of our spirit wear to the students. Spirit wear will be available for sale at various PTO functions.


    Staff Appreciation

    In appreciation of the extra efforts exhibited by our teachers and staff to our children, the PTO hosts festivities during Teacher Appreciation Week in May for all of the school staff.   This committee adopts a theme and provides a week full of great food and special surprises. 



    Our Stride for Pride fundraiser is held in the Fall and encourages students to get family sponsorships for walking a fun-filled course on the school grounds.   Volunteers are needed to set up the course, cheer on the children, and distribute prizes and refreshments. 



    This committee works with assembling the layout, taking pictures, and collecting the fee charged for publication of our Yearbook. Photographers are always needed.




Last Modified on August 15, 2024