• Syllabus for Sixth Grade Social Studies

    Marking Period 4


    Program Description:  The goal of the social studies program is to enable students to develop as individuals and to equip them to be productive members of an evolving democratic society.  Instruction develops the ability to think critically, see how the history and geography of the world's past influence its present and future, understand relationships and varying points of view, and arrive at logical conclusions from the facts presented.


    Course Content:  The following topics will be covered this marking period:

                Review and reinforce geography skills

                Ancient Greece

                Ancient Rome



    Sample Learning Outcomes:  By the end of the marking period, the student will be able to demonstrate the following thinking skills:

    Knowledge:                 identify the elements involved in the evolution of democracy in


    Comprehension:          explain the characteristics of different forms of government

    Application:                 compare democracy in Greece with American


    Synthesis:                    research and create a project to represent the culture of


    Evaluation:                  evaluate a current events topic or article


    Sample Teaching Strategies: 

                cooperative learning activities             hands-on activities

                maintaining a social studies notebook            lecture

                oral presentations                                            teacher modeling

                video presentations                                         role playing


    Sample Evaluation Tools:

                tests and quizzes                                 evaluation of cooperative learning activities

                notebook                                             evaluation of class/group/home projects

                homework assignments                                              


    Resources for Instruction:

                curriculum guide                                 selected timelines, maps, charts, and posters

                atlases                                                  textbook—History Alive! The Ancient World

                internet                                                library and media center

                social studies department resources    History Alive Resource Package