• Students at Reading Fleming Intermediate School are encouraged to participate in a variety of staff-supervised extracurricular activities throughout the school year. 

    ** Mural Club is closed as of 11/21/24
    **Digital Art Club is closed as of 11/22/24
    ** Art Club (Mrs. KC) is closed as of 11/22/24

    Electric Vehicle Car Club will have make-ups on 12/12, 12/19 and 1/2/25
    Chess Club is canceled 12/4 - make-ups will be on 12/10 & 12/16

     Winter Club enrollment is now open!!!
    Click here for winter club descriptions.
    Information will be posted and forms will be distributed during all lunch periods.

    Enrollment Procedure:
    1. Click here to print the permission slip. Please complete ONE permission slip for EACH child and for each activity.
    2. Please return the completed permission slip(s) together with the check(s) for the activity fee made payable to FRRSD. Forms may be dropped off in the RFIS Main Office.
    3. Sixth grade students who wish to enroll in intramural sports and/or the morning basketball league must submit all required medical forms in order to complete enrollment.  Please refer to the information and links below.
    4. Enrollment is contingent upon receipt of the activity fee.
    5. Enrollment in each club is limited and is on a first come, first served basis. If a club is cancelled or closed, your child will be notified as soon as possible so that he/she will have the opportunity to choose another activity.
    6. Students will receive written notification of acceptance into their selected activity by December 16, 2024.

    Attention 6th Grade Students!  6th grade students are required to turn in medical forms in order to participate in after-school sports clubs. Please follow the instructions below for required medical documentation. Click here for all required forms found on the district website under Health Services/Forms.

    1. PPE History Form (English | En Español)- to be filled out by parent and submitted to physician
    2. Annual Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Examination Form - submit to physician
    3. PPE Medical Eligibility Form - this form is returned to RFIS

    * Physical examinations are good for one calendar year
    * Forms are to be fully completed.  Sections for vision, BP and pulse, height and weight must be completed by examining a licensed provider within 365 days prior to the first practice session.  If vision is corrected, the primary provider needs to screen vision with lenses. 
    * If the student sees an eye doctor, the results of a recent eye exam must be attached.  Stating “sees an eye doctor” is not acceptable. 

    The form is to be completed by a parent or guardian.  This form is required for each sports season.  The Health History Update Questionnaire must be signed and dated within 90 days prior to the first practice session.

    If it is indicated on the Health History Form that a student has asthma (Asthma Treatment Plan), allergies (Allergy-Anaphylaxis Action Plan ) or daily medications (Daily Medications), the appropriate forms must be submitted to the Health Office.  Forms may be accessed at the RFIS website:  Health Forms

Last Modified on Wednesday at 8:04 AM