• Ms. Aileen Marsh, General Music
    5th Grade General Music
    RFIS 5th graders attend general music class for one trimester, every other day in the 6-day cycle, during their Related Arts period. For half the trimester, students work on a unit on classical music, completing a project on a famous classical composer, as well as working on the elements of music, analyzing the use of those elements in major works, and playing instrumental arrangements of famous classical pieces. In the other half of the trimester, 5th graders have the opportunity to be introduced to the guitar as a unit of study. (Click here for more information on the guitar program.)
    6th Grade General Music
    RFIS 6th graders attend general music class for one trimester, every other day in the 6-day cycle, during their Related Arts period. For half the trimester, 6th graders learn about America's classical music: jazz! Students study the history and development of jazz in the United States, and they also listen to examples and create/perform the music for themselves. In the other half of the trimester, students build on the introductory guitar skills they acquired in 5th grade. (Click here for more information on the guitar program.) 
Last Modified on September 13, 2022