Ha love sa-sook (rhymes with book)
Voice mail - (908) 284-7650 ext. 4116 E-mail - dhlavsa@frsd.k12.nj.us
Late Work Policy
Homework and projects are assigned to reinforce what has been learned in class
Should any social studies work be late (handed in anytime after due date), the work will lose 50% of its possible points
Work that is handed in after one week of the due date (set by the teacher) will NOT receive any points, but must be completed
Make Up Work Policy
Call the Learning Line
Contact the Teacher before class or during Tutorial
Contact any of your classroom peers
The student is responsible for handing in work assigned prior to their absence on the day returning to school, regardless of an A or B Day
The student is responsible for obtaining notes, handouts, and assignments missed, while absent, on the day he/she returns to school whether it is an A or B Day
Any homework due is to be handed in on that day
Let Mrs. Hlavsa-Suk know, if possible, that you will miss class and get any handouts for that class.
Any work not handed in on time for that day will be marked "late". |