

    Mrs. Hlavsa-Suk's Expectations
    All students should come to class prepared to work cooperatively by utilizing T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K. and P.I.E.S.
    Cooperative Learning:
    Cooperative learning is a teaching and learning strategy in which students work together in small groups to accomplish various learning tasks.  In order for cooperative learning to be successful students must apply the four basic principles of P.I.E.S (Positive Interdependence, Individual Accountability, Equal Participation, Simultaneous Interaction). 

    We are getting it together this year by using:

    T: Trying our best
    E: Each person accepting responsibility
    A: Always staying on task
    M: Managing our time
    W: Willingness to cooperate
    O: Organizing our materials
    R: Reaching the goals set
    K: Keeping the noise level low
    P. Positive Interdependence
      Everyone feels good and everyone is needed.
    I. Individual Accountability
      I did my part and I helped others.
    E: Equal Participation
      Our work load is divided evenly.
    S: Simultaneous Interaction
      We are all working at the same time.