• Dr. Horowitz's Grading Policy

    8th grade science students will earn their respective grades according to the following

    "total points earned" system:

    Homework 0-10
    Quizzes 10-50
    Quests 50-75

    Tests 75-100+

    Unit Project Points Vary

    GOOGLE CLASSROOM will be used to post any & all daily assignments. The IQWST online program (Activate Learning) along with other resources will be used to implement the science curriculum.

    BE PREPARED with your charged chromebook, a folder for papers, a writing tool (pencil, blue or black ink pen), an independent novel (for reading when requested) and a positive attitude toward learning.
    ASSIGNMENTS must be completed and turned in by the assigned due date & time. Late assignments will not earn full credit, but still should be completed for partial credit by the next class meeting. Every point counts! 
    For the 2024-2025 school year, Do Nows (&/or Exit Tickets) can NOT and should NOT be made up if you are absent. However, you are NOT penalized for them if you are absent. Do Nows (&/or Exit Tickets) are specific to each class and are primarily used to connect content from one class lesson to the next.. 
    All assignments beyond Do Nows (&/or Exit Tickets) should be completed ASAP so that you keep up with the concepts presented in each class. There is a penalty for late work submission in accordance with the school absence policy. 
    Here's the bottom line.....get your work in on time in order to earn the most points possible.
    ASSESSMENTS such as quizzes, quests, tests & projects will be announced well in advance along with any study guides to allow ample time for you to review any/all applicable subject material.