• Homework is listed below.  Dates given are the dates the homework was assigned.  Homework is due at our next Block meeting.  Follow directions and always do your best!! NO STUDENT WILL USE AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR FOR ANY WORK DONE FOR FRENCH CLASS. STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO DO THEIR OWN WORK USING THE RESOURCES PROVIDED BY THE TEACHER. Submit assignments in a Google Doc on Google Classroom.  If you have questions e-mail Mme Gauthier @ kathleen.gauthier@frsd.us   and I will answer as soon as I can.  If you have late work to turn in due to absence from school then e-mail the work to kathleen.gauthier@frsd.us for credit. Remember in French class you do not have to be perfect.  You just have to try your best. Bon courage! = You can do it!
    Bonne chance!
    Homework Expectations,  MP 2
    Students are expected to submit completed homework on time during our next block meeting.  Consequence is a grade of zero in Genesis.  Turn in homework to me at  kathleen.gauthier@frsd.us  if it is late because you are absent due to illness or other parental excuse.  You have one extra A- or B-day to turn in homework if you are absent due to illness or other parental excuse. Students are expected to do their own work.  Use of an online translator is not permitted.
    le 26 et le 29 jan.-  Gr. 8- Unit 6, Quizlet, p. 10-Complete the "Test" work. Work on "Match" activities for 7 minutes. Gr. 7- Unit 2, Quizlet, p. 21- Complete the "Test" work. Work on "Match" activities for 7 minutes. 
    le 30 et le 31 jan.- les devoirs- Grade 8 - Unit 6, p. 11.  Read   for 10 minutes. Take notes in cahier- Bastille Day, Heiva, Ghana, Quebec, New Orleans.  Grade 7- Begin your list of 40 different  activities for your daily schedule.  Use your notes and handouts from French class.
    fevrier, 2024-
    le premier et le 2 fev.- Grade 8. Finish your reading and note-taking from last night's devoirs. Grade 7- Finish your list from last night's devoirs.
    le 5 et le 6 fev. - Study for a quiz at our next block meeting.  Use your study guide to prepare and review. Grade 8- page 310. Grade 7- 
    pages 84, 85,et 87.
    le 7 et le 8 fev. Activities en classe- 
    Grade 8- Unit 8, Online Textbook
    Do this first: All students will have a one-day homework amnesty.  Any late work MUST BE e-mailed to kathleen.gauthier@frsd.us by end of this block TODAY ONLY  in order to earn credit. Teacher hint: Take advantage of this one-time MP 3 grade booster offer.  It will not be repeated.
    Then complete all work below in order.
    Complete all work in French cahier.
    1.)  Scroll slowly for 9 minutes the pages of Unit 8.  List the concepts we will learn. Be specific.  List specific topics we will learn.
    2. ) p.7 Click arrow a gauche in beige map of France.  Follow directions.
    3.)  p. 7 Click red arrow a droite en bas.  Follow directions.
    4.)  p. 9- a gauche en bas. Follow directions.
    5.)  p. 10 a gauche "Hotel"  Click red arrow.  Follow directions.
    6.)  p. 13 "A l'aeroport" Watch video twice.  Take notes in English.
    7.)  p. 13 Quizlet "en croisiere"  Copy Flashcards in French and English.
    8.)  p. 13 Quizlet " a la gare"  Copy Flashcards in French and English.
    9. )  p. 13 red arrow "la vie a bord"  Watch video twice.  Take notes in English.
    10.) p. 13 en bas  "pratique"  Click red  arrow en bas.
    11.) Work on preparing your notebook for the next Notebook Check. Is your work neat and complete?  Remove any drawings or stray writing that is not part of our class notes.  I will collect the notebooks and look at each page.
    12.) Finish your "Celebrations " project.
    Bon courage!
    Grade 7-
    Do this first: All students will have a one-day homework amnesty.  Any late work MUST BE e-mailed to kathleen.gauthier@frsd.us by end of this block TODAY ONLY for credit. Teacher hint: Take advantage of this one-time MP 2 grade booster offer.  It will not be repeated
    Then complete the following work in order. Complete all work in your French cahier.
    1.)  Scroll slowly through Unit 4 for 9 minutes.  List  the concepts we will learn. Be SPECIFIC.  Write about the topics we will learn,
    2. ) p. 7 Haiti- Click red arrow a gauche. Make a list for of each of these categories;
    restaurants, museums, hotels, activities to do that terns would like.. If the link does not work, go to JP Case Media Center website to search for information on Haiti.
    3.)  p. 9- Read "L'interaction familiere." Take notes. Pretend you are the teacher. Make up 2 good questions in English in your cahier..
    4.)  p. 9 en bas.  Click red arrow a gauche.en bas.  List 4 categories of French last names.  Read each section.  Take notes in your cahier.
    5.)  p. 13 Complete "vrai ou faux."  Follow the directions.
    6.)  p. 14 en bas "La famille"  activite- Follow directions.
    7.)  p. 21 Copy family pets in French and English in cahier..
    8) Work on preparing your notebook for the next Notebook Check. Is your work neat and complete?  Remove any drawings or stray writing that is not part of our class notes.  I will collect the notebooks and look at each page.
    9.) Prepare for p.82 oral  work.  Know what all the words in the dialogue mean. Know how to spell all the French words.
    Bon courage!
    le 7 et le 8 fev.- Grades 7 et 8:  Work on " le 7 et le 8 fev. - les activities en classe" for 10 minutes.
    le 9 et le 12 fev.- Grades 7 et 8:  Continue to work on " le 7 et le 8 fev. - les activities en classe" for another 10 minutes. 
    le 13 et le 14 fev.- Grades 8 et 7- Spend quality time completing and checking your work on our current projects. Gr. 8 <<Les celebrations.>>
    Gr. 7-  << Mon emploi du temps.>>
    le 15 et le 20 fev. Begin to work on your  Study Guide: Grade 8- pp. 312- 313.  Grade 7- p. 185 (handout).
    le 21 et le 22 fev.- Complete work on your Study Guide: Grade 7- p. 185 ( handout). Grade 8- pages 312 et 313.
    le 23 et le 26 fev.-Choose 3 school appropriate adjectives that are not in our resource book.  Type them in French and English in a Google Doc.  Post on the Google Classroom Homework page.
    le 27 et le 28 fev. Study for a quiz during our next block meeting: Grade 8-pp. 312-313. Grade 7- p. 185 (handout).
    le 29 fev. et le premier mars- Finalize your Study Guide: "Students' adjective vocabulary list."
    le 4 et le 5 mars- Gr. 8- <<Le weekend>> written work and oral presentation due at our next block meeting. Gr. 7- p. 82 (handout) oral presentation and vocabulary assessment due at our next block meeting.
    le 6 et le 7 mars-Gr. 7 et Gr. 8- Use your Study Guide to learn the "Students' list of adjectives" vocabulary.
    le 8 et le 11 mars- Gr. 8- Unit 8, p. 13 - Quizlet- Copy the flashcards in French and English into your cahier. Gr. 7- Unit 4, p. 9-Read the culture section.  Take notes in English in your cahier. Notebook Check will be coming up soon. Prepare your notebook pages.
    le 12 et le 13 mars- Grades 7 et 8: Study the 25 words on the handout, "Students' Adjective Vocabulary List."  Students will have  a quiz on these words during our next block meeting.