- J.P. Case Middle School
- Homework- MP 3
Gauthier, Kathleen
Page Navigation
- Overview
- <<Aux Champs-Élysées>> Chantez bien!
- <<Ma/Sa Chronologie>>
- A Paris: un nouvel hotel ~ tres chic!!!
- A Special Gift of Friendship from France to U.S.
- Allons au Parc Asterix !!
- Allons visiter Paris!!!
- Baguettes!
- Bastille Day 2021 in Frenchtown, NJ
- Bastille Day in our own back yard!
- Calendar
- Carnaval de Quebec- Visitons!!
- Classroom Guidelines
- Comic book project
- Duolingo
- Easy to make ratatouille recipe... Mangeons!!
- Fabulous French recipes
- Free French-English Dictionary
- French accent marks
- Grilled ratatouille salad~ Mmmmmmmmmm!!!
- Guidelines for parents and guardians
- Here are some useful websites...
- Homework- MP 1
- Homework- MP 2
- Homework- MP 3
- Hot Air Balloons- Did you know...???
- How to cover your text with a paper bag...
- How to Use a Digital Marble Notebook
- If my child is absent...
- l'Arc de Triomphe
- la poésie
- la révolution française
- Learn about life in France!!
- Les Jeux Olympiques- Paris, 2024
- Les nouvelles du Louvre
- Let's celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving!
- Let's do our laundry!!!
- Letter to Parents/Guardians
- Louvre - Virtual Tour and Renovations
- Love life!!
- Make your own word search !!
- Mardi Gras- King Cake!!
- Materials needed for French class
- Monet !!
- Mont St. Michel via Technology
- More useful information...
- Need a tutor? It's free!
- Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris rings in the New Year
- Olympics: Who was Pierre de Coubertin?
- On aime le shopping et les restos??
- On se lave les mains! Let's wash our hands!
- photos de la Tour Eiffel
- Pierre Cardin, famous French fashion designer
- Plagiarism advice
- Poisson d'avril
- Practical reasons to study French !
- Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire??
- Ratatouille !!
- Rebuilding Notre Dame de Paris
- Recipe for croque-monsieur (Mmmmmmmmm!!)
- Research Project
- Restorations at the Louvre
- Sites in and near Paris
- So you think French is hard?? Read this!
- Statue of Liberty
- Tarte Tatin
- Taste these French foods.
- The Future of French
- The Oldest Public Library in France
- Tour of Paris worksheet
- Un voyage en France!
- Un voyage extraordinaire: Paris to the Swiss Alps
- Useful information for Mme Gauthier's students
- Virtual Academy Announcements- MP 1
- Visit the Olympics!
- Watch the restoration of Notre Dame de Paris.
- Websites for French students...
- Where to stay in Paris
- Beautiful places to visit in France
- Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit
- Convert USD to Euros
- Pierre de Coubertin, Founder of Modern Olympics
- Pierre de Coubertin, Founder of Modern Olympics
- Mardi Gras Power Point
- oeufs-mayo... Mmmmmmmmmmm!
- Le diner en blanc- in New Jersey!
- La cuisine francaise delicieuse
- La cuisine francaise pour tous
- Une patisserie in Princeton!
- Homework help- For free!
- les gouters canadiens- delicieux!!
- Recipes from Julia Child, The French Chef
- La cuisine francaise- even more!!
- Doggie Dining in France!!
- le fantome de l'Opera au Palais Garnier
- un gouter pour tous!!!
- Another French museum to explore
- Notre Dame Restoration Progress Update 2023
- Visitons Montreal !
- Visitons Monaco!
- Visitons Montreal !
- Visitons Morocco!!!
- Cosmetology, Anyone?- L'histoire des cheveux
- Free Rice wins Nobel Peach Prize Laureate!
- See medals from the Paris Olympics, 2024 !!
- Ohhhh, Camembert !!
- The Torch for the Paris Olympics has been lit!!!
- Let's learn about euros!
- Aimez- vous lire ??
- Planning a trip to France?
- La cuisine et la culture en France
- Bonjour, tout le monde!
- La cuisine extraordinaire en France
- Visit small villages in France
- Bastille Day in Frenchtown, 2024 !
- Sports venues- Paris Olympics, 2024
- Museum of cheese! Lookee here...
- Olympic Opening Ceremonies, Paris, 2024
- Hotels in Paris
Expectations MP 3-Class participation: Remember that in French class the expectation is that each student will be prepared with all materials necessary to work during the entire French block. Participation means doing what you are expected to do when you are expected to do it.Students are expected to submit completed homework and classwork on time and in the correct place (Google Classroom page, wire basket, etc.) at our next block meeting. Turn in homework or classwork to me at kathleen.gauthier@frsd.us if it is late because you are absent due to illness or other parental excuse. You have one extra A- or B-day to turn in homework or classwork if you are absent due to illness or other parental excuse.Follow directions and always do your best!! NO STUDENT WILL USE AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR FOR ANY WORK DONE FOR FRENCH CLASS. STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO DO THEIR OWN WORK USING THE RESOURCES PROVIDED BY THE TEACHER.Homework is listed below. Dates given are the dates the homework was assigned. Homework is due at our next Block meeting. Follow directions and always do your best!! If you have questions e-mail Mme Gauthier @ kathleen.gauthier@frsd.us and I will answer as soon as I can. If you have late work to turn in due to absence from school then e-mail the work to kathleen.gauthier@frsd.us for credit. Remember, in French class you do not have to be perfect. You just have to try your best. Bon courage! = You can do it!TBD= The date of these assignments is to be determined.
Notice of upcoming quiz::le 12 et le 13 mars- Grades 7 et 8: Study the 25 words on the handout, "Students' Adjective Vocabulary List." Students will have a quiz on these words during our next block meeting.
le 14 et le 15 mars- Gr. 7- Unit 4, p. 11, "Note culturelle." Take notes in your cahier. If you are unable to view the link then search for information about the culture and traditions of Haiti at our JPC Media Center resources website. Gr. 8- Unit 8, p. 13- Quizlet. Work for 12 minutes in the Learn and Test sections of this Quizlet.
Notice of work due le 21 et le 22 mars: Students will do this assignment at home. Personal devices are to remain shut off and in student lockers from 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. daily. Grades 7 et 8: Students will post 6 photos of 6 different pages in their French notebook- 2 photos of pages from decembre, 2 photos of pages from janvier, and 2 photos of pages from fevrier. One of the six photos will be of a "Copiez." One of the six photos will be of Quizlet Flashcards. One of the six photos will be of cultural notes. Make sure the dates are clearly written at the top of each page. Post the 6 photos in a Google Doc and submit on the Google Classroom Homework page.
Notice of upcoming assessment: Oral, written, and listening assessments will be le 25 et le 26 mars; Gr.8- <<Le weekend dernier et prochain.>> Gr. 7- <<Mon ami(e) et moi>>- p. 150 handout.
le 19 et le 20 mars- Grades 8 et 7: Finish your oral and written project which is due le 25 et le 26 mars: Gr. 8: <<le weekend dernier et prochain,>> Gr. 7: <<Mon ami(e) et moi.>> Also, Grades 7 et 8 Notebook Check is due le 21 et le 22 mars.
le 21 et le 22 mars- Gr. 8 et 7: Practice aloud your oral presentation which is due le 25 et le 26 mars.
le 25 et le 26 mars- Gr. 7 et 8-Re-read " Expectations, MP 3" carefully three times.
Type three sentences in English to describe what the post, " Expectations, MP 3" means to you.
Copy the following and finish each sentence in your own words;
1.) " Expectations, MP 3" means that...
2.) During MP 3 I will need to turn in my completed homework...
3.) Consequences of failure to turn in my completed homework on or before the due date are...
Type your three sentences in a Google Doc and post on the Google Classroom homework ( devoirs) page. You must post your work on the page indicated by the due date in order to earn credit.
Voila! Bon courage!le 27 et le 28- Gr. 8 et 7: Use your study guide to prepare for a vocabulary quiz late during the week after Spring break. Grade 8- pp. 197 et 200. Grade 7- p.. 165 et 167. Bonnes vacances !
avril, 2024-
Study for your next vocab quiz.
Gr. 7- p. 165 ( p. 185 handout).
Gr. 8- pp. 197 et 200.le 9 et le 10 avril-
Review and Reflection: Grades 7 et 8: Please note: This assignment will be graded in Genesis. The expectation is that the work will be written by the student in their own words. Students will write in complete English sentences using capital letters and punctuation as appropriate. Give specific information and examples to express what you have learned. Students will use all grammar rules that they have learned in their Language Arts and World Language classes. Complete your work in a Google Doc and post on THIS PAGE on your Google Classroom stream page.on or before the due date. No late work will be accepted except in the case of absence from school.
Review all the French work you have done for Unit 2 (Grade 7) and Unit 6 (Grade 8) in Google Classroom. Reflect on the progress you have made in your learning. Write 12 sentences in English telling how well you have been doing with your French Units 2 et 6 learning assignments. Include the following information; How have you been using your time wisely during French class? Write one sentence telling how you can improve in using your time wisely in French class. Grade 8- How well did you do preparing your <<celebrations>> work? Tell two facts that you learned from doing research for the <<celebrations>> work. What facts have you learned from the Units 2 and 6 lessons we have covered? What new vocabulary have you learned from the Units 2 et 6 lessons we have covered? How well did you pronounce the French work ? About how much time did you spend on each homework assignment (devoir)? What did you learn about the "ER" verbs and the verbs "etre" and "avoir?" How well did you do with the warm - up work at the beginning of class, "les questions," "les virelangues," et "les directions?" How well did you do on the oral dialogue and listening assessments? How well did you do reading the magazine articles and filling out the "What Have I Learned " charts in your French notebook for the <<Bonjour>> et <<Allons-y>> ( fevrier-mars) magazines? Write two sentences about facts you learned from two different magazine articles. Is your French cahier neat and complete? Write three new words that you learned from the <<valentin>> wordsearch. Describe the study guides you used to prepare for the vocab quizzes. Gr. 8- Name 2 celebrations/festivals that you learned about in Unit 6, pp. 11-16. Type your 12 English sentences in a Google Doc on Google Classroom and submit on the Google Classroom page. DUE: le 11 et le 12 avril.Voila!Bon courage!
le 11 et le 12 -Etudiez pour le quiz.- Quiz will be during our next block meeting;
Gr. 7- p. 165 ( p. 185 handout)
Gr. 8- pp 197 et 200.le 15 et le 16- Grades 7 et 8-Relisez ( Re-read) the post, << Poisson d'avril.>> on our Google Classroom Stream Page.Pretend you are the teacher who is making up a quiz based on the information in this piece.Type 5 good questions in English in a Google Doc.Post your Google Doc on the Google Classroom HOMEWORK PAGE.Due date: le 17 et le 18 avril.
le 17 et le 18 avril- Gr. 7- Unit 4, Online Text Book, p. 13, en bas, a droite, Copiez- the 10 sentences en francais et en anglais au cahier.Gr. 8- Unit 8, Online text Book, p.7, Click the red arrow in the map. Answer the 7 questions as indicated au cahier. If video doesn't work for you then find the answers on our JPC Media Center website resource page.le 19 et le 22 avril- Gr. 8- Unit 8, Online Text Book, p. 11, Copiez the 12 weather expressions en francais et en anglais au cahier. Use the pictures to guess what the weather is. Gr. 7- Unit 4, Online Text Book, p. 15, Copiez en francais et en anglais les questions et les reponses en bas et a gauche en jaune au cahier.le 23 et le 24 avril- Grades 8 et 7: Prepare and rehearse your "Weather Report" presentation. Students will present their work at our next block meeting.le 25 et le 26 avril- Online text book: Gr. 7- Unit 4, p. 23- au cahier- Translate << La famille Bertrand>> to English. Gr. 8- unit 8, p. 16. Click on" Arriving at the hotel." Follow directions. If the video will not play go to JPC Media Center website. Search "What to say when checking in at a hotel in France." Take notes in cahier.le 29 et le 30 avril- Grades 8 et 7- Go to the FRSD website of Mme Gauthier. Scroll on the black band to the left ( gauche) until you get to the post, <<Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?>> which is "un rappe" by John de Mado. Copy and paste the link. Listen and sing along. Amusez-vous bien
mai, 2024-
le 3 et le 10 Grades 7 et 8: Click on or copy and paste this site to hear Lady Gaga tell you about the French Revolution !!- Amusez-vous bien!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXsZbkt0yqo
Notice of upcoming assignments due after the NJ State Testing period.- Students will take quizzes le 15 et le 16 mai-Gr. 8 -p. 204. Gr. 7- pages 45 et 49. Use your Study Guide to review and prepare for the quiz. Grades 8 et 7- Warm- up packet work is due le 17 et le 20 mai.
Nom___________________________________________ Block____________
Write a poem in French, minimum 8 lines, minimum 5 words per line.- Skip lines.
- Work will be handwritten neatly on lined paper.
- Use only words you already know. Do NOT use an online translator. All work must be your own original work. This is an assessment of how well you can use the words and expressions you have already learned. Your work will be graded as such.
- Ask a classmate to edit your work and sign the bottom.
- Your poem does not have to rhyme.
- Choose a French title for your poem.
- Include one visual to illustrate your topic. Clip art is OK. Stick figures are fine and dandy. Your artwork will not be graded separately but you are required to have one visual as part of your work. You will work on your visual outside of French class.
Voila! Amusez-vous bien! Bon courage!!
Due date: TBD
Note: All vocabulary and visuals must be school appropriate and must follow the guidelines set forth by the FRSD Code of Conduct.
le 7- le 10 mai- Go to the FRSD website of Mme Gauthier. Scroll on the left. Click on the post, "Love Life," by Canadian artist, John Mamann.Follow the directions.
le 13 et le 14 mai- Study for your quiz during our next block meeting. Gr. 8- p. 204. Gr. 7-pages 45 et 49. Use your Study Guide to prepare.
le 15 et le 16 mai- Warm -up packet work ( les questions, les virelangues, et les directions) is due during our next block meeting.
le 17 et le 20 mai-Make a Study Guide for your next vocab quiz- Grade 7- pages 74, 75, 78. Grade 8- p. 239.
le 21 et le 22 mai- Complete your Study Guide. Begin to review and learn the vocabulary. Gr. 7- pp. 74, 75, et 78. gr. 8- p. 239.
le 23 et le 24 mai- Finish brainstorming. Begin working on written/oral/listening assessment project. Gr. 7- <<C'est moi!>> Gr. 8- <<Ma maison/ mon appartement>>.
Notice of upcoming assessments;
le 29 et le 30 mai- Quiz- Gr. 7- pp. 74, 75, 78. Gr. 8- p. 239. le 5 et le 6 juin- oral and written assessments due. Gr. 7- <<C'est moi!.>>Gr. 8- << Ma maison/ mon appartement.>>
juin, 2024-
le 31 mai, le 3 et le 4 juin- Prepare for oral / written assessments to be held le 5 et le 6 juin- Gr. 8- << Ma maison/-mon appartement>> Gr. 7- << C'est moi>>
le 5, le 6, et le 7 juin-Grades 7 et 8- Brainstorm <<La poesie.>>
le 10, 11, 12, et 13 juin- Grades 8 et 7- Finish writing your French poem. Follow all directions. Practice aloud.
TBD Grades 7 et 8: Scroll slowly through Online Unit 4 ( gr. 7) or Online Unit 8 ( Gr. 8). Type 3 things that we will learn from these units in a Google Doc and post on the Google Classroom Homework Page.
TBD Notice of upcoming assessments- Oral and written assessment presentations will be held during our next block meeting.Grade 8- page 214 Grade 7- Handout- p. 90
TBD Grade. 8- Online Textbook, Unit 8, p. 17, Quizlet-<<Ou allons- nous?>> Copy Flashcard vocab in French and English in French cahier. Grade 7: Online Textbook, Unit 4, p. 11,Click red arrow en haut et a droite. Take notes about Haiti in English in your French cahier.
TBD Grade 7- Online Textbook, Unit 4, p. 13, - Yellow vertical band a gauche- In your French cahier copy the 12 expressions in French and in English. Grade 8- Online Textbook, Unit 8, p. 23, "Presentational # 1"-In your French cahier copy 3 of the 34 vacation choices that a teen might like to visit. Write one sentence about each location telling why a teen might like to visit there.