Buses and Vans
    Please ensure that your child knows his/her bus number.  Each morning, buses and vans will park and unload our K‐4 students on the side of the building.  Upon arrival, students will be greeted by staff members and enter the building through the designated entrances.  

    Parent Drop-off
    Students may be dropped off in front of the school from 8:30-8:50 am along the front sidewalk.  When driving your child to school, please enter by turning right into the first school driveway on Barley Sheaf Road.  For safety reasons, cars may not make a left turn to enter school grounds during arrival and dismissal.  Please display your family car tag and follow the directions given by staff on duty.  Click here to request a family car tag.  Students should exit the car on the school side of the vehicle in order to ensure student safety.  All students will walk along the front sidewalk and enter the school through the main entrance.  Always remember to stay in line when dropping students off in front of the building.  Cars may not drive into the back parking lot of the school after 8:25am.  If you plan to walk your child to the front door, you must park in the south visitor parking lot (near the softball field) and cross at the crosswalk to the main entrance.

    Walkers should enter the building through the main entrance.


    Buses and Vans
    Students riding buses will be called for dismissal as their bus arrives. Please ensure that your child knows their bus number.  Staff members will be available to assist students and ensure they locate and board the correct bus.  

    Walkers and Parent Pick-up
    Both walkers and students for parent pick up will be dismissed from the front entrance. When picking your child up from school, please enter by turning right into the first school driveway on Barley Sheaf Road.  For safety reasons, cars may not make a left turn to enter school grounds during arrival and dismissal.  Please display your family car tag and follow the directions given by staff on duty.  Click here to request a family car tag.  Children will be called to the front foyer as parents arrive, and staff will assist with loading students into your vehicle.  Parents must stay in their cars at all times and remain in the car line unless directed to proceed by a staff member.  Pick up will start at 3:25.  


    We cannot change a child’s designated bus stop or assigned bus.  If your child normally rides a bus home, but you will be picking him/her up, a note must be sent to the teacher. 

    If you must sign your child out prior to dismissal, please do so  before 3:15 pm.  Please come to the main office and your child will be called to the office for dismissal. 

    If your child attends the YMCA after-care and you make a change to their dismissal, please contact both the YMCA and the Barley Sheaf main office regarding any changes.

    If someone other than the parent/guardian is taking your child home at the end of the day, please write a note to your child’s teacher detailing the change and giving permission for your child to leave with this person.  Please remember that you may not take a child other than your own unless written permission from that child’s parent has been given to the school.  


    School achievement begins with regular attendance. Parents/guardians must ensure that all school-aged children in their care are in school on time daily.  

    When a child is unable to attend school, please submit the absence report here or call the Attendance Line at (908) 284-7586, menu option #1, as soon as it is known that your child will be absent. Please include the following information:  student’s name, teacher’s name, date of absence, reason for absence.  

    When a student has accumulated ten (10) days absent, a letter will be sent home.  When a student has accumulated fifteen (15) days absent, a second letter will be sent home and a meeting with Administration may be requested.  When a student has accumulated twenty (20) days absent, a letter will be sent home explaining that the student risks retention at his/her grade level.  When a student has accumulated thirty (30) days absent, the student shall be retained unless extenuating circumstances exist.  It is hoped that through communicating and working together, the parent/guardian, student and the school will be able to develop and implement effective strategies that will result in improved student attendance and academic achievement.

    Three (3) tardy days and/or early dismissal days are equivalent to 1 day absent.  Absences and/or early dismissals for illness, doctor’s visits, religious holidays, etc. are excused absences. Absences and/or early dismissals for after-school activities, family vacations, etc. are unexcused absences.  

    Student Tardiness
    Students in Grades K-4 will be marked tardy when arriving at school between 8:55 am and 10:55 am.  A student who arrives late to school must report to the main office where his/her time of arrival will be recorded and a late pass will be issued. 

    Early Student Dismissal
    Students in Grades K-4 will be marked as an early dismissal when leaving school between 1:50 pm and 3:25 pm.  

    *Please refer to Board Policy No. 5200 for more information regarding attendance.*


Last Modified on July 30, 2024