•  salvatoI graduated from Gwynedd-Mercy College in 2004 with a degree in Elementary Education and a minor in Sociology. In June 2014, I completed a Graduate Degree at TCNJ in English as a Second Language. In May 2018, I obtained my Masters of Reading Degree from TCNJ with a Reading Specialist Certification. I have been a Reading Specialist at Francis A. Desmares since 2008. In 2024, I will be switching roles and teaching Kindergarten!

    A fun fact about me is that I was in the first 4th grade class to ever attend Francis A. Desmares in 1991. I love that I am able to teach and give back to the community that taught me and helped me become the person I am today.
     In my spare time, I compete in many running races throughout the year. I was an Assistant Coach of Javelin for the Spring Track and Field at Hunterdon Central Regional High School for 8 years and still volunteer. I hold a Throwing Event Specialist Certification, which I obtained in June 2020. I love to work out, read, listen to music and greatly enjoy my job as a teacher!
    As an educator, I want to be able to motivate my students so they know that they are capable of accomplishing any goal they set  their mind to. It is so rewarding to help students achieve the goals they have set and to see their excitement when they have been achieved.