The job of the school nurse is to help parents identify head lice and to guide parents in treatment options. We want to remind all families that head lice are a temporary annoyance, not a major health concern. In our experience, head lice outbreaks are kept to a minimum when parents take the lead by inspecting their children's scalps routinely. Our role includes maintaining confidentiality and minimizing time lost from the classroom.Please note: You should talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist about treatment options,including prescription products that are currently available,and be certain to follow application directions carefully to ensure patient safety.
Back to School Information About Lice
Head lice 101 - What you should know about head lice - A quick, easy-to-read fact sheet to help dispel myths and prepare parents before they experience an infestation.
Información básica sobre piojos (español)
A simple step-by-step guide for parents and caregivers, including information about treating and removing head lice from the home.Lice Photo GallerySize of lice and nits
Louse and nits on hair
Lice eggs or nits
Louse and nit casing on hair.
Note how tiny!Lice on hair
Last Modified on October 19, 2022