• Dynamic Warm Up

    A warm up is designed to prepare an athlete for training or a competition and improve athletic performance while lowering potential risks for injury. Many athletes are taught that doing an intense static stretching regiment before an event will aid in getting the body ready to perform; however; static stretching (or flexibility) aims to increase the range of motion around the joint but does not warm up the body's tissues in preparation for rigorous activity. The dynamic warm-up serves many important positive effects on performance including:

    • Increase in muscle temperature in active muscles   
    • Increased physiological preparedness for performance
    • Increased core temperature
    • Increased coordination and balance
    • Enhance neural function 
    • Increased joint mobility 
    • Improved oxygen delivery 
    • Decreases the risk of injury 

    The dynamic warm up should be performed at a high enough intensity to increase body temperature (inducing a sweat) but not cause fatigue. The warm up should only take up to 10 minutes and should be performed before games, practices, and workouts. Below is an outlined dynamic warm up that is required for the J.P Case Athletes; also outlined is a Dynamic warm-up specifically for Cross Country Runners:


    1.   Back Scratchers - 10 reps
    2.   Seat Belts - 10 reps
    3.   Inch Worms - 10 reps
    4.   Lateral Lunges - 10 reps each side 
    5.   Book Cases - 10 reps each side 
    6.   Iron Cross - 10 reps each leg 


    1.   Jumping Jacks - 20 reps 
    2.   Bear Crawls - 20 meters
    3.   Crab Walks - 20 meters
    4.   Monster Walks - 20 meters 
    5.   Walking Knee Hugs - 20 meters
    6.   Walking Knee Hug Shin Pulls - 20 meters
    7.   Walking Forward Lunges - 20 meters 
    8.   Walking Backward Lunges - 20 meters
       BUILD UP:  
    1.   High Knees - 20 meters
    2.   Long Stride Butt Kickers - 20 meters
    3.   Forward Skips - 20 meters
    4.   Backward Skips - 20 meters
    5.   Side Shuffles - 2 x 20 meters
    6.   Carioca - 2 x 20 meters 
    7.   25%,  50 %  , 75%,  100% sprints - 20 meters each


    1.   Back Scratchers -  10 reps
    2.   Seat Belts - 10 reps
    3.   Book Cases- 10 reps each side 
    4.   Shoulder/Arm Rolls - 10 reps
    5.   Inch Worms - 10 reps 
    6.   Lateral Lunges - 10 reps each side
    7.   Leg Crossovers - 10 reps each side 
    8.   Modified Bicycles - 10 reps each leg 
    9.   Plank - 2 x 15-30"
    10. Russian Twists ("Cherry Pickers") 15 reps each side 

    1.   Mountain Climbers - 15 reps each leg 
    2.   Walking Knee Hugs - 20 meters
    3.   Walking Knee Hug Shin Pulls - 20 meters
    4.   Monster Walks - 20 meters
    5.   Forward Walking Lunges - 20 meters
    6.   Backward Walking Lunges - 20 meters

       BUILD UP:

    1.   High Knees - 20 meters 
    2.   Long Stride Butt Kickers - 20 meters
    3.   Skipping for Height - 20 meters
    4.   Straight Leg-Bounders - 20 meters
    5.   Side Shuffle - 2 x 20 meters 
    6.   Carioca - 2 x 20 meters
    7.   Backward Thrust Run - 2 x 20 meters
    8.   25%, 50%, 75%, 100% sprints - 20 meters each