• In April 2014, I started something new.  I started to run.  My goal was to participate in the Barley Sheaf 5K again, but to RUN it this time.  Thanks to some help from my running buddies, I did it!  I kept training and signed up for the Girls on the Run race with some of my students.  When I finished that race, I realized that running, which had been very challenging for me and not something I liked very much, was actually fun!  It was then that I hatched my plan:  I would run 12 races in 12 months and I would log 365 miles (through running, walking, swimming, and biking) in 365 days. I almost always have friends or family with me, which makes my goal all the easier!  As of March 3rd, 2015 I have logged 373 total miles and completed all 14 races!

    Barley Sheaf 5K   Girls on The Run   Girl Scout 5K at Alexandria Park   Color Run Philadelphia  Color Run   Branchburg 5K   Doylestown  race for hunger
    super hero race super teacher   tsc Run With the Lions
    trick  bucks county 5K   gotr  turkey trot