The orchestra seating chart

The Orchestra

  • Thanks for visiting my orchestra page. To learn more about the orchestra, feel free to visit and explore some of the websites linked below which feature some famous orchestras. There are pictures, games, videos, and recordings! Over the next few months, 4th graders will be studying each family of the orchestra in depth. Visit this website frequently for links to the videos we watch in classs.

    The Philharmonia Orchestra (London)

    San Francisco Symphony

    Dallas Symphony Orchestra for kids

    New York Philharmonic



    The Brass Family


    Below are the links to the videos we watched in class about the brass instruments. Please feel free to review the videos to help you complete your homework assignment.



    French Horn




    The String Family

    Below are the links to the videos we watched in class about the string instruments. Please feel free to review the videos to help you complete your homework assignment.




    Double Bass
