- Reading - Fleming Intermediate School
- Reading Strategies
Reading Strategies

“Active” Reading Comprehension Strategies
Strategy and how it helps the reader: What readers do:
Predicting: Helps readers set a purpose for reading and engages the reader.
Readers make guesses about what will happen and then read to confirm or revise their predictions.
Connecting: Helps readers personalize their reading by relating what they read to their own knowledge/experiences.
Readers link what they are reading to themselves, other texts or resources, or to the world.
Visualizing: Helps readers engage with the text to make it more personal and memorable.
Readers make mental pictures based on written descriptions. Readers make “movies” in their heads about the text.
Making Inferences/Drawing Conclusions: Helps readers dig deeper into the author’s meaning/craft.
Readers make logical guesses about the meaning of the text based on textual evidence and their own personal knowledge. (Predictions are inferences.)
Questioning/Clarifying: Helps readers direct their reading, figure out what is confusing, and make inferences.
Readers ask themselves literal and inferential questions about the text. They check for understanding.
Summarizing: Helps the reader have better recall of the text and checks whether the reader comprehends the text.
Readers concisely tell the main/big ideas of a text in their own words.
Evaluating: Helps the reader assume more responsibility and personalizes the reading experience.
Readers judge the quality of the text and of their own reading experience.
Synthesizing: Helps the reader add to their knowledge base and thinking process in a new way.
Readers gather more information and ideas from multiple sources. The readers put the information/ideas in their knowledge base in a new way. This involves drawing conclusions, forming generalizations, and making comparisons.
Some of this information is taken from McDougal Littell’s The Language of Literature, Gail E. Tompkins’ Literacy for the 21st Century (4th edition), and Dr. David W. Moore’s “Reading Comprehension Strategies” (www.ngl.cengage.com).