Big Ideas Math
With the implementation of the Common Core Learning Standards, followed by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, the district adopted the Big Ideas resources for grades 6-8. Big Ideas is a comprehensive, standards-based mathematics resource that offers a balanced approach to teaching and learning mathematics. Big Ideas uses activities and explorations that involve student-directed discovery learning, allowing students to develop conceptual understanding. The discovery learning is followed by teacher-directed instruction, giving students the opportunity to utilize clear, precise mathematical language.
Online Resources
Big Ideas Math - Online Portal for students to access digital materials associated with Big Ideas. Students are provided a registration code from their teachers to access the class materials.
*Big Ideas Math offers a free, easy access site, to its textbooks. Please note that there are advertisements on these free textbooks; the Flemington-Raritan Regional School District is not responsible for the content of the advertisements. The district asks students to use their class log-in information assigned for the portal above as the primary access point.