• Reading Recovery
      Founded by renowned New Zealand educator, Marie Clay, Reading Recovery is a short-term intervention for first graders having extreme difficulty with early reading and writing. Specially trained teachers work individually with students in daily 30-minute lessons lasting 12-20 weeks. During each lesson your child will have an opportunity to read several books and write a short story. There is also phonics/word work segment to the daily lesson. Every lesson follows a structured framework, but are individually designed to meet the specific needs of the child. Your child's Reading Recovery Intervention is in addition to the daily reading instruction he/she receives in the classroom. After a full series of lessons, about 75% of these formerly lowest students reach grade level standard.  
    The following handbook, Working Together For Your Child's Success, is from the Lesley Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative, Cambridge, MA. It is a Parent's Guide to Reading Recovery. 
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