• Helping Your Child Monitor His Reading
    * Check it
    * Were you right?
    * What could you check?
    * Does it look right and sound right?
    * It has to make sense and sound right.
    * What would make sense, sound right, and look like that?
    * Something wasn't quite right on this page. Can you find it?
    * What's wrong with this?
    * Try that again.
    * Can it be__________ or__________ (Can it be "can" or "come")
    Read to Succeed!  
    Helping Your Child Self-Monitor
     * Are your right? (Ask this question occasionally even when your child is correct.)
    * Does that make sense? (If your child says, "Yes", reread the sentence the way the child read it and ask it again. "Does that make sense? Try that again and see if you can fix it to make sense.
    * Does it look right? Do a slow check with your finger.
    Helping Your Child Comprehend
    * What have you read? Retell the story. (It is helpful for young readers to think about the beginning, middle and end of the story.)
    * Was there a "tricky" (confusing) part? What don't you understand? (Clarify)
    * What are you thinking (If your child is confused, share YOUR thinking with them, This is called Thinking Aloud.)
    * You said...Prompt: Does that make sense? 
    * What was the problem in the story? 
    * How was the problem solved?
    * What do you think might happen next?
    * Did this story make you think of anything? Have your child try to make a personal connection with the story. Does it remind you of another story? Does it remind you of something you've done?  
    Reading 2  
    Helping Your Child With Fluency and Phrasing.
    * Try reading it with your eyes (no finger pointing).
    * How would the character say that? Can you make your reading sound like talking?
    * Let's put these words together. (Model)
    * Read with your child to model smooth, fluent reading.
    * Are you listening to yourself?
    *Did it sound like talking?
    * Can you read it all smoothly?
    * Can you read this (sentence or two) quickly?
    * Put it all together.
    * Make your voice go down when you see the exclamation point (excited mark!)
     * Change your voice when you see these marks on the page (bold face print ).
    ("I cannot go down the tree," said Little Chimp).