• Special Services Programs, Resources and Services

     100 Everitts Road

    Ringoes, New Jersey 08551

    Tel:  (908) 284-7680 Fax:  (908) 284-7685

    The Flemington-Raritan Regional School District offers many special education programs to meet the needs of our diverse population of learners.

    Program Title


    Brief Description


    Autism Program 

    Copper Hill

    JP Case

    The Autism Special Class program works with students who display a pervasive developmental disability that significantly impacts speech, communication, social, and cognitive skills.

    Autism Program

    Learning and Language Disabilities (LLD) Program

    Barley Sheaf


    JP Case

    The LLD program consists of self-contained instruction designed for students with language impairments that impact cognitive processes and learning. Flemington Raritan offers both mild/moderate and severe programming. 

    Mild/Moderate LLD Brochure

    Severe LLD Brochure


    Preschool Programs


    Visit website!

    Preschool programs for students ages 3-5 who have disabling conditions include a preschool disabilities program and a general education preschool program.  Further information is available on the district's preschool website.




    Project Success



    Robert Hunter



    The Project Success program provides a structured setting for students whose behaviors impede learning.  The focus of the program is to implement positive behavioral supports and increase student pro-social coping skills.

    Behavior Disabilities Brochure




    In-Class Support, Pull-Out Support, Consultative Model





    All schools

    Resource room programs include pull-out resource/replacement and in-class support program models.  The pull-out class replaces a child's instruction in the general education setting with instruction in a small class setting with a special education teacher. An in-class support model educates students with special needs in the general education class with the support of a teacher's assistant or with a special education teacher.  The frequency and duration of the program model recommended for your child is based upon many factors including, but not limited to: progress toward IEP goals and objectives and standardized and instructional data.  




Last Modified on November 5, 2024