• In an effort to control SPAM, our district no longer provides direct links to staff e-mail accounts. To e-mail employees, please use firstname.lastname@frsd.us

    Welcome to Colette Baills' Homepage

    Name: Ms Baills / Ms. Lester
    Email ID: colette.baills / haley.lester
    Phone Number: 284-5100
    Visit the JP Case Counseling web site!

    Welcome to my home page!
    Helpful Links:
    Click here for Ms. Baills' Get to know you form
    Click here to watch the Harrassment, Intimidation & Bullying video for students: Student HIB video  
    Click here to access the Counseling Corner:JPC Counseling Corner
    Please visit the following site for helfpul information about your child and his/her years at the middle school, as well as high school scheduling information. J.P. Case Counseling Page