• In an effort to control SPAM, our district no longer provides direct links to staff e-mail accounts.
    To e-mail employees, please use the E-mail ID noted below and add @frsd.k12.nj.us. 
    Mrs. Casterline's
    EXCEL and Extra Help (tutorial)
    E-mail: christine.caserline@frsd.us
    What is tutorial?
    Tutorial is a 30 minute block of time that is worked into the schedule every "A" day.  During this time, students may seek help from ANY of their teachers.  Tutorial is also a good time to complete homework, make-up work, or assessments that were missed due to absence. 
    What is EXCEL?
         EXCEL takes place in the 54 minutes AFTER tutorial every "A" day. EXCEL is offered to any student who does not have band, chorus, or orchestra in their schedule.  EXCEL is an enrichment time, and each of the team's teachers plan different activities.  All students with EXCEL in their schedule will rotate to each team teacher throughout the year (usually every 8-10 weeks) and will experience each teacher's EXCEL block. 
    What happens in Mrs. Casterline's EXCEL?
     If you are in Mrs. Casterline's EXCEL, Chromebooks WILL NOT BE UTILIZED DURING THIS TIME. Mrs. Casterline's EXCEL is a much needed break from screen time that will encourage you to be creative.  You will have the opportunity to choose a different activity every two weeks.  Here are some of the options that will be available  to you: 
    2.) Games (board games - NOT computer games)
    3.) Puzzles, word searches, crossword puzzles
    4.) Painting, crafts, coloring, drawing
    5.) Playdoh
    6.) Independent reading
    Also, during Mrs. Casterline's EXCEL students may continue working on homework, projects, etc if that is something they would like to do.