- J.P. Case Middle School
- Supplies
Supplies 2024-2025
*Sharing of supplies will not be ENCOURAGED. Therefore, it ispertinent that every student have the tools they need for each class. Please assess the quality and quantity of supplies every trimester. Supplies should be restocked as needed!*Please Note* Students will need access to a printer throughout the year. Most of the writing that is done will need to be typed. If your child does not have a printer at home, he or she needs to plan accordingly. Printers are available in the library, however, students will NOT be permitted to leave class to print. This should be done on their own time prior to the class when the assignment is due. Tutorial is a great time for students to access printers in the library. Be advised that the school issued chromebooks CAN NOT be hooked up to a printer.*Students will need the following supplies:1.)A one inch binder containing five dividers. Please DO NOT use the language arts binder to store other subject area materials. It is ESSENTIAL to have a binder completely dedicated to language arts class!!!Label your sections accordingly:a.) notes *
b.) homework
c.) tests/quizzesd.) grammar *e.) vocabulary** Your notes, grammar, and vocabulary sections should contain an ample supply of notebook paper *
2.)ONE zippered pencil case containing the following:
a.) Blue or black pens (erasable pens are suggested)
b.) Pencils (mechanical are suggested with extra led)
c.) One YELLOW highlighter
d.) Post-it notes (extras should be kept at home to replenish when you need more)
e.) A red penf.) 2 glue sticks (extras should be kept at home to replenish when they run out)
g.) One black Sharpie marker
3.) An assignment pad to copy down homework - This should be something with calendar dates in it to help with organization. Please avoid using a notebook.4.) Access to a working printer (please see note above)5.)Earbuds or headphones6.) 1- THREE Subject spiral notebook- each section should have a minimum of 50 pages (PREFERRED BRAND: Five Star). The reason for the preferred brand is because the pages in this brand of notebook are large enough to accommodate the work that we do with them. When the pages are too small, it presents issues with the work. Three subjects are needed because one section per trimester will be used. This will aid in organization. Please see links below for this notebook:OPTIONAL SUPPLIES THAT YOU MAY WANT TO PURCHASE:
1.) Construction paper (kept at home for projects)2.) Crayons, colored pencils, markers (kept at home for projects)
3.) Small hand sanitizer
4.) Pocket sized tissue packs for personal use
5.) Small handheld sharpener