• Some frequently asked questions about homework...



    What is the purpose of homework?

    The purpose of homework is to allow students to practice and apply skills that have been taught in class. In some cases, students may be asked to complete homework assignments that provide a starting point for the next class or concept. Homework should be completed on the NIGHT it is assigned.  With the alternating A/B schedule, students should not wait until the night before to complete homework for the following day. Here's why: by completing homework on the night it is assigned, it provides students a second night/day to ask the  teacher clarifying questions, troubleshoot any technology issues, etc.  If a student does not complete their homework on the night it is assigned, they are  forfeiting the advantage of that second day. 

    When is homework due?

    Homework is assigned nightly and is due the class period after it is assigned (unless otherwise stated).

    Am I responsible for homework if I'm absent?

    Yes! If you are absent from class, you are required to pick up your absentee packet from the absentee bin on your first day back to school. For example: If you are absent from language arts on Monday (an A day) but are present in school on Tuesday (a B day), you are still responsible for completing the homework that is due for class on Wednesday.

    If you are absent for more than one day (excused), additional time will be given to complete your work. 

    Work missed due to unexcused absences (i.e. vacations) should be requested TWO WEEKS before the absence.  Students who are provided with work are expected to have that work completed when they return to school. 


    Will my homework be graded?

    Homework will be checked daily. Some assignments will be given a point value while others may only be checked for completion.

    Where can I verify a homework assignment that I have copied down?

    The class website is the perfect place to confirm and verify assignments and their due dates. 





    "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." (John Dewey)