
    Extra Credit 


         It is crucial that students complete all of their work when it is assigned, meet all the expectations set forth for each assignment, and put forth 100% effort on ALL assignments.  Individual extra assignments and other extra work will not be provided to raise a grade. However, ALL students will receive optional extra credit opportunities ONCE a trimester.  Students will receive an e-mail with the details for extra credit at the beginning of the trimester.  After successful completion of the extra credit, students will receive a coupon with  the number of points earned which can then be applied to any assignment or assessment PRIOR to the grading  of the selected assignment. 


    Trimester 1- Extra Credit will be e- mailed to all students the 

    week of 9/9 and it will be due on 10/14.  Extra credit is NOT accepted late- NO EXCEPTIONS.  All information on due date and times will be in the e-mail.