- J.P. Case Middle School
- Expectations, Grading policy, Late Work Policy
Mrs. Casterline's Expectations & Grading Policy
When IN Class, we should strive to do the following:
1.)Come to class everyday with completed homework and all necessary materials. Chromebooks are expected to be charged nightly so that they may be used in class.
2.)Students should be on time for class (three unexcused tardies without a pass will result in a morning detention). If lateness continues, the student will be referred to the grade level administrator.
3.) Appropriate and respectful behavior is expected at all times. Students who exhibit behavior that is not acceptable for the classroom environment will be given a warning for the first offense. A second infraction will constitute an e-mail home. If behavior continues or does not improve, morning detentions from 7:40-8:10 will be held. Parents will be informed via e-mail of second and third infractions as they occur.
4.) Participation is extremely important. Students are expected to be well-rested each day so that they can contribute to the learning environment. Every day, students will have various opportunities to be actively involved in class.
5.) Students should check their school e-mail on a daily basis. Information about language arts will often be communicated via e-mail. Students should also check Genesis weekly to check on progress.
6.) Academic Integrity: Each student is expected to produce work for language arts that is an accurate reflection of their abilities and understanding of a concept. Academic dishonesty (copying a classmate’s answers, submitting someone else’s work, using technology tools to create work, plagiarism, etc.) is not acceptable and will result in appropriate consequences.
7.) NO GUM or CANDY is permitted in class.
8.) Cell phones are NOT permitted in class. They should be kept in your locker until the end of the day. Phone calls that need to be made during the day should be made in the main office.
9.) Ear buds are NOT permitted in the classroom OR in the hallways. Ear buds used for academic purposes in the classroom are acceptable.
All grades will be calculated using a point system. Grades are
determined by dividing the total number of points earned by the
the total number of points available. All grades will be posted in Genesis in a timely manner.
150 points earned = 50%
300 points available
All assignments are due when indicated. However, assignments that aren't completed on the due date can be turned in the following class block for reduced credit. For example: If an assignment was due on 9/12 and it was not turned in, the student has until 9/14 to turn the assignment in. This essentially gives the student two extra days to complete work. No work will be accepted after the grace period.
*PLEASE NOTE* Some assignments will NOT be given this grace period. For example, there are some assignments that are used for instruction and are corrected in class. Assignments that meet this criteria CAN NOT be made up.