• hw Daily Homework 

     Your Chromebook should come to class with you EVERY DAY!!!




    bus September

    Date Assigned


    Other Reminders

    9/5 (A) & 9/6 (B)

    1.) Welcome Back Letter needs to be signed and returned by next block.

    2.) All supplies need to be with you in class starting next block. 

    3.) Summer reading book talks- next block!  Bring  any notes you took and/or your book if you have it.

    9/9 (A) & 9/10 (B)

    1.) Decorate the front cover of your notebook at home with pictures, stickers, etc.  Your notebook should represent who YOU are.  This  will be  graded homework assignment.  It will be used  in class and will not  be accepted late.

    2.)Any supplies that you did not have with you in class today  MUST be with you next block.

    3.) Finish your  pre-writing if you did not do so in class today

    9/11 (A) & 9/12  (B)

    1.)  Finish the written draft of your character analysis by next block.

     * Refer to  the slideshow in Google Classroom to refer what we discussed today in class while drafting*


    9/13 (A) & 9/16 (B)



    1.) Type the final copy of your character analysis in Google Classroom.  PRINT  out your final copy for next block.  This will count as your first writing grade.  You MUST also include your pre-writing AND the written draft with the final copy. 

    9/17 (A)  & 9/18 (B) 1.) Complete building backgroun knowledge handout. All links to complete the activity are posted in Google Classroom.   
    9/19 (A) & 9/20 (B)

    1.) Watch the trailer for the book, Inside Out and Back Again

    2.) Read pages 1-29 and take notes  on post-its.  Use the page in your notebook from today's class as a reference for note-taking. 



    9/23 (A) & 9/24 (B)

    1.)Finish reading part 1 (pgs. 30-69) AND take notes in your notebook. 


    2.)Quiz on parts 1 & 2 - 9/27 & 9/30 start studying 



    9/25 (A) & 9/26 (B)

    1.) Finish reading and note-taking part 2 in the book.  Pgs. 73-111


    2.) Quiz on parts 1 & 2 Next block 

    9/27 (A) & 9/30 (B)

    1.) Read pages 115-150 and take notes in your notebook


    2.) Complete the reading activity  (if you did not do so in class)


    3.) Book Fair next block

    oct October
    Date Assigned/ Assignment  Other Reminders
    10/1 & 10/2

    1.)Read pages 151-200 and take notes in your notebook


    2.) 1 Quia activity on forming plural nouns


    10/4 & 10/7

    *No school on 10/3

    1.) Read pgs.200-234and take notes in  your notebook


    2.) Complete noun review handout (plurals and possessives)


    3.) Study all noun notes


    4.) Reading Quiz on 10/10- start studying now!  Study guide posted  in Classroom

    10/8 & 10/9

    1.) Reading Quiz- parts 3 & 4  next block-study


    2.) Complete the graphic organizer/planning sheet for the open ended question on your quiz.  This will be part of your quiz grade and you can use it on the quiz.


    3.) Read pgs. 237-260 (no notes needed for this last section)



    3.) Ear buds needed for next block

    10/10 & 10/11

    1.) Finish any book trailer work that was not done in class (see post in Google Classroom)


    2.) Finish the 3 Quia activities on nouns if you did not do so in class

    10/14 & 10/15 1.) Read for 30 minutes and take notes in your notebook  

    10/16 & 10/17


    1.) Read for 30 minutes and take notes  in your notebook  
    10/18 & 10/21 1.) Read for 30 minutes and take notes  in your notebook   
    10/22 & 10/23

    1.) Read for 30 minutes and take notes in your notebook 

    2.) Finish the action verb handout from today's class

    10/24 & 10/25

    1.) Read for 30 minutes and take notes in your notebook 

    2.) Type and finish revising and editing your research writing (if you did not do so in class). The notes, draft (revised and edited) and printed final copy  are due next block.

    10/28 & 10/29

    1.) Read for at least 30 minutes and take notes


    2.) Book must be finished by 11/6 (A) & 11/11 (B)


    3.) Notebook check on 11/6 (A) & 11/11 (B)- rubric posted in Google Classroom



    10/30 & 10/31


    1.) Read  for at least 30 minutes - no notes required


    2.) All books need to be finished by 11/6 (A) & 11/11 (B)


    3.) .) Notebook check on 11/6  (A) & 11/11  (B)


        nov November

    Date Assigned Assignment  Other Reminders

    11/1 (A) & 11/4 (B)

    *No school 11/5

    1.) Notebook assessment next block


    2.) Book needs to be finished next block- no notes required for remainder of reading 


    3.) Finish outline for your test - test  next block


    4.) Books collected next block


    11/6 (A) & 11/11 (B)

    11/12 (A) & 11/13 (B)

    1.) Study all verb notes (action, linking, helping)- Quiz next block

    2.) Colored pencils, crayons OR markers needed in class starting on 11/18 (A) & 11/19 (B)

    3.) Select an independent reading book.  Book must be appropriately challenging and at least 200 pages.  Due in  class for approval on 11/18 (A) & 11/19 (B)

    11/14 (A) & 11/15 (B)

    1.) Colored pencils, crayons OR markers needed in class starting on 11/18 (A) & 11/19 (B)

    2.) Select an independent reading book.  Book must be appropriately challenging and at least 200 pages.  Due in  class for approval on 11/18 (A) & 11/19 (B)

    3.) Finish the editing handout that was started in class today

    11/18 (A) & 11/19 (B)

    1.) Read for at least 30 minutes- no notes required!

    2.) Complete homophone work in your notebook (To, too, two)


    11/20 (A) & 11/21 (B)

    11/21 - 1/2 DAY

    1.) Read for at least 30 minutes- no notes required!

    2.) Complete homophone work in your notebook (its & it's)


    11/22 (A) & 11/25 (B)

    1/2 DAYS

    1.) Read for at least 30 minutes- no notes required!

    2.) Complete homophone work in your notebook (Than & Then)


    11/26 (A) & 11/27 (B)

    1/2 DAYS

     NO HOMEWORK - Happy Thanksgiving!!!

     All books need to be finished by 12/6 (A) & 12/9 (B)



    Date Assigned Assignment  Other Reminders
    12/2 (A) & 12/3 (B)

    1.) Independent novels need to be finished by 12/6 (A) & 12/9 (B)

    2.) Read for at least 30 minutes

    3.) Homophone set (affect & effect)- in your notebook

    4.)Check your e-mail

    12/4 (A) & 12/5 (B)


    1.) Read for at least 30 minutes-  all books should be finished by next block.

    2.) Word Wall Quiz-  Trimester 1 words on 12/10 (A) & 12/11 (B)

    3.) Notebook Assessment- Unit 2- 12/10 (A) & 12/11 (B)


    12/6 (A) & 12/9 (B)

    1.) Notebook check 12/10 (A) & 12/11 (B)

    2.) Word Wall - Quiz next block!

    3.) Book review project- due next block

    4.) Continue revising and editing your personal narrative - Final, typed copy due 12/12 & 12/13

    12/10 (A) & 12/11 (B)

    1.) Finish revising and editing your  personal  narrative if you haven't done so already.

    2.)Final, printed copy of personal narrative due next block!- Don't forget your title page too!

    12/12 (A) & 12/13 (B)

    *This homework was started  in class *

    1.) Read the Hanukkah article

    2.) Complete the handout on the reverse side of the Hanukkah article 

    12/16 (A) & 12/17 (B)

    *This was started in class today*

    1.) Take notes on the highlighted information in the article from today's class. All notes should be PARAPHRASED  in your notebook. 

    12/18 (A) & 12/19 (B) 1.) Quia activity on clauses  (5 minutes of practice time only)  

    12/20 (A) & 1/2 (B)

    12/20- 1/2 DAY

    NO Homework -  Have a great winter break!


    s now January

    Date Assigned Assignment Other Reminders
    1/3 & 1/6 1.) Conjunction, clause and sentence type review in notebook. Follow the instructions that were given out in class today to complete this  assignment.   
    1/7 & 1/8

    1.) Finish typing your New Year's Day writing in Google Classroom IF you did not do so in class. Submit your final copy in Classroom- no printed copy needed. 


    2.) "4" Quia activities on conjunctions, clauses and sentence types (5 minutes practice time per activity). 

    1/9 &1/10 1.) Quiz on conjunctions, clauses, and sentence types (simple, compound, complext) next block- study!  
    1/13 & 1/14 NO HOMEWORK   
    1/15 & 1/16

    1.) Complete pgs 1-3 in the  adjective  packet

    2.) from Exploring the Titanic packet (due on 1/22 -A & 1/23 -B)

        *The text is posted in Google Classroom*


    1/17 & 1/21

    *No school on 1/20

    1.) Complete pgs. 5-7 in the adjective packet

    2.) from Exploring the Titanic packet (due on 1/22 -A & 1/23 -B)

        *The text is posted in Google Classroom*

    1/22 & 1/23  1.) Quia activities on Adjectives (2 activities- 5 minutes  per activity)  

    1/24 & 1/27

     1.) Adjective handout

    1/28 & 1/29

    1.) Take home/open note adjective quiz. Due next block! Not accepted late!


    1/30 & 1/31

    1.) Notebook check next block- rubric given to students today in class

    2.) Comma editing handout- use the notes in your notebook to help you.  You should only  complete the first half of the page


    val February

    Date Assigned Assignment Other Reminders
    2/3 & 2/4

    1.) Finish drafting slides 1-3 (if you did not do so in class)

    2.) Practice the oral parts of  slides 1-3 at home (multiple times)

    2/5 & 2/6

    1.) Finish drafting slides 4-6 (if you did not do so in class)

    2.) Practice all 6 slides at home (multiple times)


    2/7 & 210

    1.) Finish all slides in Google  Classroom if you did not do so in class

    2.) Practice your whole presentation multiple times

    2/11 & 2/12

    1.) Presentations next block. 

    2.) Finalize all Google slides for your presentation in Google Classroom

    2/13 & 2/18

     1.)  Independent reading novel due in class for approval on 2/19 & 2/20-

    Choose a book that interests you, is appropriately challenging, and is at least 200 pages.


    2.)  If you did not present today, you will be presenting next block. Be sure to practice!

    2/19 & 2/20

    1.) Read for at least 30 minutes- notes are optionaly

    2/21 & 2/24



    2/25 & 2/26



    2/27 & 2/28


       march March
    Date Assigned Assignment Other Reminders


    Date Assigned Assignment Other Reminders
    4/11 (A) & 4/12 (B)    
    4/15 (A) & 4/16 (B)    
    4/17 (A) 7 4/18 (B)    
    4/19 (A) & 4/22(B)    



    may May

    Date Assigned Assignment Other Reminders

    swim June

    Date Assigned   Other Reminders
    6/18 (A) & 6/19 (B)

    Have a  great summer! Don't forget your summer reading!!


    Summer Reading Information: 
