• Atheltic Training FAQ's:


    Q: What is Athletic Training?

    A: Recognized by the American Medical Association, Athletic Trainers (ATCs), are allied health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to optimize activity and participation of athletes.  Athletic Trainers are State Licensed and Board Certified to specialize in prevention, emergency care, evaluation, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.  As part of your athletes health care team we will work with your doctors, specialists, coaches, athletic director, athlete, and you (the parent or guardian). 

    Areas of Knowledge an Athletic Trainer possesses, but is not limited to:

    • Evaluation and assessment of injury and athletic-related illness
    • Concussion management
    • Therapeutic exercise/Rehabilitation of orthopedic injuries
    • Acute/Emergency care
    • Risk management and injury prevention
    • Modalities and manual therapy
    • General medical conditions
    • Dermatological conditions
    • Health and wellness Issues
    • Nutritional concepts
    • Psychosocial intervention
    • Referral to appropriate health care specialist
    Q: How many times does my child have to take the ImPACT Test at J.P. Case?
    A: Your child will only need ot take a baseline ImPACT test ONE time here at J.P. Case.  Additional ImPACT tests may be taken if your child has sustained a head injury here during sports.
    Q: How long is my childs physical good for?
    A: Your childs physical is good for 365 days from the day it was performed by the doctor.  If your child had a physical done on 1/1/2019 it expires 1/1/2020.  The actual physical is just the forms that are signed and filled out by your childs doctor.
    Q: Is my childs physical still good if it expries during the sports season?
    A: Yes it is, any physical that expires in the middle of that sports season is still vaild.  For example, if a physical expries 9/6/2018 and the start of the sports season is 9/6/2019 the physical is still good for that sports season.  However, if the physical is dated 9/5/2018 or earlier then the physical is no longer good for that sports season.  
    Q: Who can take advantage of JPC's Athletic Training services?

    A:  Any JP Case student participating on JP Case athletic teams.  Injuries/conditions that occur while taking part in JP Case-sponsored activities (after-school sports, physical education) can be evaluated and treated by our athletic trainer on-site.  
    Q: What if my child is injured outside of school?
    A: In the event that an injury occurs outside of school activities (i.e. @ home, rec/travel sports teams), the post-injury care (evaluation, rehabilitation, etc) must be managed by a physician and outside healthcare professional(s).  Please notify the Athletic Trainer about any injuries sustained outside of school.
    Q: How do I communicate we are seeing a Physician or outside Healthcare Professional for an injury or sports-related condition:
    A: Any student-athlete who sees a physician or outside healthcare provider for a condition which does/may affect participation in school sports must provide a note from their healthcare provider indicating:

    a) Injury/condition
    b) Participation status 
    c) Any additional recommendations, limitations, and/or specific instructions





     For the safety and health of your child it is important to ensure consistency of care between JP Case Athletic Training and outside Healthcare Providers through full open communication.