•  All visitors and volunteers requesting entry to the school building during regular school hours must use the new security window in our vestibule to sign in and obtain an identification badge. To gain access to classrooms and hallways visitors must be processed with our visitor check-in system and wear an identification badge. At the end of the visit you must return the badge and sign out of the system.

    • All items brought in for a student can be left in the vesibule area and a secretary will inform the child's teacher. 

    • If delivering party invitations at school, each child in the classroom must receive an invitation.

    • In accordance with State law, smoking is not permitted anywhere on school premises.  Please remember that this includes the outside school grounds and playgrounds.

    • Students who are picked up for appointments during the day need to have a note written to their teacher with a time of pick-up.  Your child will be called once you arrive at school.

    • School Spirit Day is the first Friday of every month unless school is closed on that day, then it will be the second Friday.  Encourage your child to wear our school colors which are turquoise and white.

    • The School Store is open on the 1st Friday of every month for students in grades 1-4 during recess starting in October.

    • Parents can use our Voice Mail number for accessing all school personnel and leaving information about school absences.  The school voice mail number is 284-7551.


    Please keep in mind that children learn best when they are healthy and well rested. To help ensure that illnesses do not spread, please follow these school procedures:

    Please do NOT send your child to school if…

    • He or she has a fever or temperature greater than 1000 Fahrenheit. Your child must be “fever free” for 24 hours before returning to school.

    • He or she has had vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours.

    • He or she has “Pink Eye” (conjunctivitis). Your child must have a doctor’s note indicating when the child may return to school.

    • He or she has Strep Throat. Your child may return to school after 24 hours on antibiotics if they are feeling better.

    • Your child has a cold that has progressed to a point such that discharge from the nose is green and your child feels tired and looks poorly.

    • His or her cough is so bad – even on medication –that it interferes with your child’s ability to sleep and, as a result, how he or she will feel at school.


    If your child has a rash…

    • Your doctor should examine the rash to determine if it is contagious. The doctor must provide a note stating when your child may return to school.  


    If your child requires medication while at school…

    • Please contact the School Nurse for the specific steps which must be followed before any medicine may be given at school.

    • In addition please note that, before any medicine may be given prescription or over the counter, the Nurse must receive a completed medication form from your child’s doctor including: the child’s name, the type, dosage and purpose of the medication.

    The medicine must be in its original container, and must be brought to the Health Office by a parent.  


    After an absence from school…

    • If your child is absent for any reason, please remember to send a note to school on the day your child returns

    •  Please be sure to date the note and include: the specific dates your child was absent, the reason for the absence, and the signature of a parent or guardian.

    • All students are encouraged to wash their hands before coming to school to prevent the spread of germs and to help prevent the contamination of surfaces for students with significant food allergies.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact our School Nurse, Mrs. Barbee, if you have any questions or concerns at 284-7545.

     Warm Weather Clothing

     With the start of school, we thought it was a good time to review some general guidelines for student dress. All students should wear garments and shoes that are appropriate and comfortable for an elementary school setting.

    • Shorts and skirts should be at least mid-thigh in length and not reveal underclothing.
    • Tops, shirts and blouses must not reveal underclothing, midsection, torso or back.

    Halter tops and midriff tops are not allowed.

    • Shoes and sandals should fit securely to allow students to move safely throughout the hallways, on the stairs and at recess. The wearing of flip flops and sandals without a strap is greatly discouraged.

    Thank you for your support in helping us to create a positive image of our school and a distraction free and safe learning environment.

     Outdoor Recess 

    Throughout the winter months, we try to provide opportunities for students to go outside for recess as much as possible. Whether we are escorting the children in a power walk or allowing the children to play freely during a full recess period, we ask that they dress properly for the cold weather. Please send your child to school prepared for outdoor activity each day. If possible, this should consist of a warm winter jacket, a hat and gloves.

    Toys at School 

    We ask that students keep toys and trinkets at home including stuffed animals and dolls.

    They may be lost or damaged and cause unnecessary distraction during the school day. Our

    PTO has provided all types of safe playground equipment and games for the students to play at recess, so there is no need to bring balls that may not be safe to use without appropriate helmets or padding. Students that have such items for an after school activity must keep them in their book bag during school hours. On occasion children may be asked to bring an item in for a special classroom activity. Your child’s teacher will inform you of those special events in a classroom newsletter.

    Important Telephone Information

    The telephone number to access the Francis A. Desmares School Information Line is 284-7551. The telephone menu is listed below and a complete list of teacher voice mail numbers is listed on the back of this sheet. At any time during the message you can press the number you need. Please keep this sheet for future use.

    ·         1 – To access our absentee line press 1

    ·         2 – To leave a message for a teacher press 2 and

    ·         when prompted enter the teachers mailbox number

    ·         or press 11 to spell the last name

    ·         3 – To access the school office  press 3

    ·         4 – To access the nurse press 4

    ·         5 – To access the school announcements/school

    ·         closings press 5

    ·        6– To access the guidance counselor press 6



Last Modified on August 3, 2020