- Flemington-Raritan Regional School District
- Preschool Intervention and Referral
- ESI-3 Screening Process
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The Early Screening Inventory - Third Edition (ESI-3)
Preschool program regulations require the administration of a developmentally-based early childhood screening assessment, such as the Early Screening Inventory-Third Edition (ESI-3), upon entry into the preschool program. Information from the screening instrument is not used to determine or deny placement. The screening is administered individually to all newly enrolled general education students in our preschool program, according to regulations from the New Jersey Department of Early Childhood Education. The ESI-3 is given during the regular school schedule and takes approximately 15-20 minutes to administer. The ESI-3 is administered by trained preschool staff and determines if a child is within one of the three screening categories: ‘Refer’, ‘Re-screen’, ‘OK’. Parents will be notified before and after all screenings have taken place.
The Early Screening Inventory-Third Edition (ESI-3) is intended to provide an overview of a child’s development in three major areas, as follows:
Visual Motor/Adaptive: (block building, drawing, copying forms, and visual sequential memory)
Language and Cognition: (number concept, verbal expression, verbal reasoning and auditory sequential memory)
Gross Motor: (jumping, hopping, and other physical coordination tasks)
The results from this screening will help inform your child’s teacher of the skills he/she has acquired. The initial screening will be administered in October. Should a child’s results reflect “Re-screen,” the screening will be administered again in approximately four to six weeks. Children who score “Refer” on the ESI-3 assessment will be referred to the Preschool Intervention and Referral Specialist for further observation. You will be informed of your child’s screening result as it is available.
For more information on the screening process or Preschool Intervention and Referral Services, please contact Nicole Bateman at nicole.bateman@frsd.us